首页> 外文期刊>Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar: Current Approaches in Psychiatry >?ocukluktan Eri?kinli?e Obsesif Kompulsif Bozuklukta Hatal? De?erlendirme ve ?nan? Alanlar? [Faulty Appraisals and Belief Domains in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder From Childhood to Adulthood]

?ocukluktan Eri?kinli?e Obsesif Kompulsif Bozuklukta Hatal? De?erlendirme ve ?nan? Alanlar? [Faulty Appraisals and Belief Domains in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder From Childhood to Adulthood]

机译:从童年到青春期强迫症的功能障碍?评价和?田野? [从儿童到成年强迫症的错误评估和信念领域]。



Among cognitive models attempting to explain the etiology of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), models such as Inflated Responsibility Model, Misinterpretation of Significance Theory and Cognitive Control Model are currently considered to be valid in many aspects in understanding adulthood OCD. Embracing these models that underline various cognitions in adult OCD, the presence of six faulty appraisals and belief domains can be noticed: inflated responsibility; overimportance of thoughts; excessive concern about the importance of controlling one's thoughts, overestimation of threat, intolerance of uncertainty and perfectionism. Previous studies indicated a difference between early onset OCD and late onset OCD with regards to the presence of pure compulsions, insidious onset of symptoms. Examining faulty assessment and belief domains related with OCD reveals that overimportance of thoughts, intolerance of uncertainty and perfectionism is not only limited to adulthood, but also observed during childhood and/or adolescence periods. Nevertheless, inflated responsibility, excessive concern about the importance of controlling one's thoughts and overestimation of threat found in childhood and adolescence period is not as pronounced and striking as observed with adults. Considering the facts that OCD symptoms and related areas of faulty appraisals and belief domains differ amongst various age groups, early diagnosis and intervention will be critical in terms of the course of treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder. The purpose of this review is to briefly examine three current cognitive models proposed for OCD and evaluate six faulty appraisals and belief domains considered to play a role in the understanding of OCD with respect to developmental periods.



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