首页> 外文期刊>Psychology >Coping Strategies and Perceived Support in Adolescents and Young Adults: Predictive Model of Self-Reported Cognitive and Mood Problems

Coping Strategies and Perceived Support in Adolescents and Young Adults: Predictive Model of Self-Reported Cognitive and Mood Problems




The aims of this study were: to assess cognitive and mood problems, perceived social support and coping strategies in adolescence and early adulthood; to understand how coping strategies are related to age, gender and years of schooling; to identify possible stable and modifiable predictors of cognitive and mood problems adopting LISREL software. The participants were 517 adolescents and young adults (age M = 18.95 years, SD = 3.2, range: 14 - 25); 59% were female and with a mean of 13.10 years of schooling (SD = 2.7). Participants were enrolled in secondary schools, association groups or university in Veneto, Italy. They completed a battery of self-report questionnaires via a secure online site or in paper versions. The LISREL model was psychometrically solid and showed good fit (χ2 = 15.96, df = 12, p = 0.19, RMSEA = 0.025), explaining 26% of the variance and showing how the stable factor gender and some modifiable factors, namely certain coping strategies and friends’ support, predicted cognitive and mood problems.
机译:本研究的目的是:评估青春期和成年期的认知和情绪问题,感知到的社会支持和应对策略;了解应对策略与年龄,性别和受教育年限之间的关系;使用LISREL软件来识别认知和情绪问题的可能稳定和可修改的预测因素。参与者为517名青少年(年龄M = 18.95岁,SD = 3.2,范围:14-25);女性占59%,平均受教育年限为13.10年(SD = 2.7)。参与者进入了意大利威尼托的中学,社团团体或大学。他们通过安全的在线网站或书面形式完成了一系列自我报告调查问卷。 LISREL模型在心理上是可靠的,并且显示出良好的拟合度(χ2= 15.96,df = 12,p = 0.19,RMSEA = 0.025),解释了26%的方差,并显示了稳定因素性别和某些可修正因素(即某些应对策略)如何和朋友的支持,预测的认知和情绪问题。



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