首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Nutrition Society >Nutrition in an ethnically diverse society: what are some of the key challenges?

Nutrition in an ethnically diverse society: what are some of the key challenges?




The role of nutrition is especially important in certain a€?lifestylea€? diseases that impact disproportionately on ethnic minority populations. The aim of this paper is to review the evidence of risk, health outcomes and interventions for certain diseases that affect the UK's largest ethnic minority group (South Asians) in order to help professionals better address the needs of this diverse population. Research evidence is presented on factors influencing access to services by ethnic minority populations and the changing UK policy background for public health and preventive care. The available research base on obesity, diabetes and CVD is discussed. Conditions such as type 2 diabetes, which are more prevalent among the South Asian population, are associated with poorer health outcomes and appear to exhibit links to diet and nutrition that start in childhood or even before birth; all making preventive care important. Obesity is a major risk factor and it appears that BMI thresholds may need to be lower for South Asians. Targeted interventions to improve diet and outcomes in the South Asian population also appear promising. Recent moves to promote access to evidence of ethnicity and health and to improve the cultural competence of organisations are discussed. Health professionals will increasingly need to promote lifestyle changes in a manner that meets the needs of a diverse population in order to address future public health challenges. Nutritionists and other professionals will need to ensure that interventions are culturally appropriate and involve engagement with extended family members and communities.
机译:营养在某些生活方式中尤其重要。对少数民族人口影响不成比例的疾病。本文的目的是回顾影响英国最大的少数族裔群体(南亚人)的某些疾病的风险,健康结果和干预措施的证据,以帮助专业人士更好地满足这一多样化人群的需求。研究证据提供了有关少数族裔人群获得服务的因素以及英国公共卫生和预防保健政策背景变化的证据。讨论了有关肥胖,糖尿病和CVD的可用研究。 2型糖尿病等疾病在南亚人群中更为普遍,与健康状况较差有关,并且似乎与饮食和营养之间的联系始于儿童期甚至出生前。所有这些都使预防保健变得重要。肥胖是主要的危险因素,对于南亚人来说,似乎BMI阈值可能需要降低。旨在改善南亚人群饮食和结局的针对性干预措施似乎也很有希望。讨论了促进获取种族和健康证据并提高组织的文化能力的最新举措。卫生专业人员将越来越需要以满足不同人群需求的方式促进生活方式的改变,以应对未来的公共卫生挑战。营养学家和其他专业人员将需要确保干预措施在文化上适当,并涉及大家庭成员和社区的参与。



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