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PUBLICISING PETRIE: Financing Fieldwork in British Mandate Palestine (1926–1938)




The cost of archaeological fieldwork has always been high, even for someone as notoriously parsimonious as Flinders Petrie. Money was constantly needed to finance his excavations, bring objects back to England and organize publication of the results. Over the course of his career Petrie developed a range of fundraising strategies, including setting up the British School of Archaeology in Egypt to coordinate efforts. Moving his base of operations to British Mandate Palestine brought a whole new series of challenges, not the least being how to generate public interest in this new endeavour. This paper will explore the various methods by which funds were generated to support Petrie’s research, including use of newspaper and radio coverage, public lectures and exhibitions, merchandising and appeals to the generosity of individual patrons. It will also consider how the purposes of fundraising developed over time, and ways in which we can measure the success of the tactics used.
机译:即使对于像弗林德斯·皮特里(Flinders Petrie)一样卑鄙的人,考古现场工作的成本始终很高。不断需要金钱来资助他的发掘,将物件带回英国并组织结果的出版。在他的职业生涯中,皮特里制定了一系列筹款策略,包括在埃及建立英国考古学院以协调工作。将其业务基地转移到英国授权巴勒斯坦带来了一系列全新的挑战,尤其是如何在这项新工作中引起公众的兴趣。本文将探讨通过各种方式来筹集资金来支持Petrie的研究,包括使用报纸和广播报道,公开演讲和展览,推销商品以及吸引个人赞助者的慷慨。它还将考虑筹款的目的是如何随着时间发展的,以及我们如何衡量所使用策略的成功程度。



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