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Effects of Non-Fertilised Grassland Management Intensity on Herbage Quality and Quantity




Effects of Non-Fertilised Grassland Management Intensity on Herbage Quality and QuantityOver 2006-2009, an optimum cutting frequency was investigated at non-fertilised grassland. The research was carried out at the Suchy vrch site (near Banská Bystrica), altitude 460 m. The research sward was utilised by cutting with different intensity: high (4 cuts), medium (3 cuts), low (2 cuts) and by 1 cut under extensive exploitation. Herbage yield, organic and mineral substances and nutritive value were determined. The intensity of sward exploitation influenced the dry matter (DM) production which was higher when utilised by two cuts than by four and three cuts, respectively. The research parameters showed the best DM quality at the highest cutting frequency (the high and the medium intensity). Crude protein (CP) content increased at higher cutting frequency, but dropped at extensive utilisation. The content of fibre was higher at less intensive cutting. The highest content of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) was found under more intensive cutting. Towards the end of growing season, calcium (Ca) content was rising while that of K was decreasing. The sodium (Na) content was low at all the research treatments.
机译:非肥料草地管理强度对牧草质量和数量的影响2006-2009年,研究了非肥料草地的最佳砍伐频率。这项研究是在海拔460 m的Suchy vrch站点(靠近BanskáBystrica)进行的。该研究用草通过不同强度的切割来利用:高(4切),中(3切),低(2切)和在广泛开采下的1切。测定了牧草的产量,有机和矿物质以及营养价值。草皮开采的强度影响了干物质(DM)的生产,干物质(DM)的产量在两次采伐时要比四个采伐和三个采伐时要高。研究参数显示了在最高切割频率(高强度和中等强度)下的最佳DM质量。粗蛋白(CP)含量随着切割频率的增加而增加,但随着广泛使用而下降。强度较低的切割中纤维含量较高。在更强烈的切割下,磷(P)和钾(K)的含量最高。在生长期接近尾声时,钙(Ca)含量上升,而钾的含量下降。在所有研究处理中钠(Na)含量均较低。



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