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Accumulation of Total Anthocyanins in Wheat Grain




Accumulation of Total Anthocyanins in Wheat GrainIn the recent years, for specific goals of utilization, winter wheat breeding has been aimed on increasing total anthocyanins concentration in winter wheat grains considering their high antioxidant activity. The aim of research was to evaluate grain colour development in four wheat genotypes (ANK 28A and 62/0 purple pericarp, UC 66049 blue aleurone and Ilona red pericarp) during grain filling period. Grain samples from two replications of field experiment, established in the vegetation 2010/11, were taken in five to six sampling times. Total anthocyanins concentration was determined by spectrophotometer. The genotypes responded differently to the dynamics of total anthocyanins accumulation during grain filling. The process was described by linear and also by polynomial regression on the number of days post anthesis. Genotypes with purple pericarp reached the highest total anthocyanins concentration on the 22nd day post anthesis with increasing and decreasing before and after this sampling time, respectively. At maturity the highest total anthocyanins had UC 66049 (193.38 mg/kg). Newly bred genotype 62/0 had similar concentration (34.50 mg/kg) as its parent ANK 28A (37.80 mg/kg). At maturity, registered cultivar Ilona was about 93.7% lower in total anthocyanins concentration compared to ANK 28A. Significant variability in total anthocyanins concentration indicated that breeding for their increasing is possible.
机译:小麦籽粒中总花色素苷的积累近年来,出于特定的利用目标,考虑到小麦籽粒中总花色素苷的高抗氧化活性,其育种目的在于提高其总花青素浓度。研究的目的是评估在灌浆期间四种基因型(ANK 28A和62/0紫色果皮,UC 66049蓝色糊粉和伊洛娜红色果皮)的小麦色泽发展。在2010/11年植被中建立的两次重复田间试验的谷物样品被采集了五到六次采样。总花色苷浓度通过分光光度计测定。基因型对籽粒灌浆过程中总花色苷积累动态的反应不同。通过线性和花后天数的多项式回归来描述该过程。在开花后第22天,带有紫色果皮的基因型达到最高的总花色苷浓度,分别在该采样时间之前和之后增加和减少。在成熟时,最高的总花色苷具有UC 66049(193.38 mg / kg)。新育的基因型62/0与母本ANK 28A(37.80 mg / kg)具有相似的浓度(34.50 mg / kg)。与ANK 28A相比,成熟的注册品种Ilona的总花色苷浓度降低了约93.7%。花青素总浓度的显着变化表明增加它们的繁殖是可能的。



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