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A remedy against obesity? The role of lactoferrin in the metabolism of glucose and lipids




Obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia/type II diabetes and hypertension together constitute the so-called metabolic syndrome. Frequency of occurrence of these serious metabolic disturbances is associated with life style and is on the rise in prosperous industrialized countries. These diseases represent not only a serious health problem but also social and economic ones, and involve in prophylaxis and treatment various specialists (physicians, dieticians and psychologists). For about two decades research has been conducted on the possibility to apply milk-derived proteins in prevention and treatment of the above mentioned metabolic diseases. Lactoferrin (LF), a protein present in milk and excretory fluids of mammals, is one of the most intensively studied milk proteins for therapeutic application. Initial trials revealing an advantageous effect of LF on lipid metabolism and obesity enrolled only a few volunteers and were performed in Japan in 2003. Subsequent trials were conducted on animals as well as in clinics, and the positive results were supported by in vitro tests. After oral administration of LF, decreases of body weight, waist measurement, visceral fat tissue, plasma and liver fatty acid concentrations, triglycerides and cholesterol were registered. The mechanism of LF action may involve several processes, such as inhibition of adipogenesis, decrease of dietary triglyceride absorption, elevation of HDL cholesterol possessing anti-atherogenic properties, inhibition of accumulation of oxidized LDL cholesterol forms in macrophages and protection against formation of foam cells. LF also increases the susceptibility of cells to insulin action, including in conditions when the response to insulin is lowered (during inflammation). In addition, LF regulates activity of insulin-like growth factor (IGF). The data collected to date indicate that LF is a promising, completely nontoxic, natural remedy which (as for example a food supplement) may be applied in long-term prophylaxis and therapy of metabolic disturbances, such as dyslipidemia, obesity and insulin resistance/type II diabetes.
机译:肥胖,血脂异常,高血糖/ II型糖尿病和高血压共同构成了所谓的代谢综合征。这些严重的代谢紊乱的发生频率与生活方式有关,并且在繁荣的工业化国家中呈上升趋势。这些疾病不仅代表严重的健康问题,而且还代表社会和经济问题,并涉及各种专家(医师,营养师和心理学家)的预防和治疗。大约二十年来,已经进行了关于将乳源蛋白应用于上述代谢疾病的预防和治疗的可能性的研究。乳铁蛋白(LF)是存在于哺乳动物的乳汁和排泄液中的一种蛋白质,是治疗用途最深入的乳汁蛋白之一。初步试验显示LF对脂类代谢和肥胖症具有有益作用,仅在2003年在日本进行了试验,只有少数志愿者参加了试验。随后的试验在动物和诊所进行,体外试验支持了阳性结果。口服LF后,体重下降,腰围,内脏脂肪组织,血浆和肝脏脂肪酸浓度,甘油三酸酯和胆固醇降低。 LF作用的机制可能涉及多个过程,例如抑制脂肪生成,减少饮食中甘油三酸酯的吸收,升高具有抗动脉粥样硬化特性的HDL胆固醇,抑制巨噬细胞中氧化的LDL胆固醇形式的积累以及防止泡沫细胞的形成。 LF还增加了细胞对胰岛素作用的敏感性,包括在对胰岛素反应降低的情况下(发炎期间)。另外,LF调节胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)的活性。迄今为止收集的数据表明,LF是一种有前途的,完全无毒的自然疗法,例如可以用于长期预防和治疗代谢异常(例如血脂异常,肥胖症和胰岛素抵抗/类型)的食品(例如食品补充剂)。 II型糖尿病。



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