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Effectiveness of Suprathel? Application in Partial Thickness Burns, Frostbites and Lyell Syndrome Treatment




Effectiveness of Suprathel? Application in Partial Thickness Burns, Frostbites and Lyell Syndrome TreatmentThe skin is the largest organ of the human body consisting of several layers possessing different properties and performing different physiological functions. The loss of skin integrity caused by a trauma or disease may provoke acute physiological and immune disorders that may even be fatal. The following properties are primarily taken into account when choosing the appropriate burn wound dressing: support of the epithelialisation process, pain and patient discomfort reduction, and treatment costs.The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of Suprathel in the treatment of partial-thickness burns and frostbites and Lyell's syndrome and to determine the preferable time of Suprathel application to the wound.Material and methods. At The Eastern Poland Burn Treatment and Reconstructive Surgery Centre, Suprathel was used in 21 patients: 11 men and 4 women with wound burns, 5 men with frostbites and 1 woman with Lyell's syndrome. Dressings were applied within 96 hours of injury.Results. Treatment results depended on the time of Suprathel application to the wound and on the type of injury. Among 9 partial-thickness burn patients treated within 24 h of injury, the epithelialisation time was up to 14 days in 7 patients and up to 21 days in 1 patient, and skin grafting was necessary in 1 patient. In one of the 2 partial-thickness burn patients treated on the second day after injury, the epithelialisation time was 21 days, and skin grafting was necessary in the other of these 2 patients. Among 4 partial-thickness burn patients treated on the second day after the injury, the epithelialisation time was 21 days in 2 patients and skin grafting was necessary in 2 patients. Among the 5 frostbite patients, the epithelialisation time was up to 14 days in 3 patients and up to 21 days in 2 patients. In 1 patient with Lyell's syndrome, the epithelialisation time was 21 days.Conclusions. Suprathel is a good dressing that can perform the function of a temporary epidermal substitute in partial-thickness burns and frostbites and in Lyell's syndrome. The dressing should be applied within 24 hours of injury, when there is the least exudate from the wound and the wound is not infected. Therapeutic effectiveness of Suprathel decreases along with a delay of its application to the burn wound and with increasing burn depth.
机译:Suprathel的效力?在部分厚度烧伤,冻伤和莱尔综合症治疗中的应用皮肤是人体最大的器官,由具有不同特性和执行不同生理功能的几层组成。由外伤或疾病引起的皮肤完整性丧失可能引发急性生理和免疫疾病,甚至可能致命。选择合适的烧伤创面敷料时,应首先考虑以下特性:支持上皮化过程,减轻疼痛和减轻患者不适以及治疗费用。本研究的目的是评估Suprathel在治疗局部烧伤中的有用性。烧伤,冻伤和Lyell综合征的厚度,并确定将Suprathel应用于伤口的最佳时间。材料和方法。在波兰东部烧伤治疗和重建手术中心,Suprathel被用于21例患者:11例男性和4例伤口烧伤,5例冻伤男性和1例Lyell综合征女性。在受伤96小时内使用敷料。治疗结果取决于Suprathel应用于伤口的时间和损伤的类型。在受伤24小时内接受治疗的9例局部较厚烧伤患者中,7例患者的上皮化时间最长为14天,1例患者的上皮化时间最长为21天,1例患者需要植皮。在受伤后第二天接受治疗的2例局部较厚烧伤患者中,其中1例上皮化时间为21天,这2例中的另一例需要植皮。在受伤后第二天接受治疗的4名局部较厚烧伤患者中,2例患者的上皮化时间为21天,2例患者需要植皮。在5位冻伤患者中,上皮化时间在3例患者中长达14天,在2例患者中高达21天。在1例Lyell综合征患者中,上皮化时间为21天。 Suprathel是一种很好的敷料,可以在部分厚度的烧伤和冻伤以及Lyell综合征中发挥临时表皮替代物的功能。当伤口渗出液最少且伤口未被感染时,应在受伤后24小时内使用敷料。 Suprathel的治疗效果随着其在烧伤伤口上的应用延迟以及烧伤深度的增加而降低。



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