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Neglected Tropical Diseases among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): Overview and Update




The ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) constitute an economic powerhouse, yet these countries also harbor a mostly hidden burden of poverty and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Almost 200 million people live in extreme poverty in ASEAN countries, mostly in the low or lower middle-income countries of Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Viet Nam, and Cambodia, and many of them are affected by at least one NTD. However, NTDs are prevalent even among upper middle-income ASEAN countries such as Malaysia and Thailand, especially among the indigenous populations. The three major intestinal helminth infections are the most common NTDs; each helminthiasis is associated with approximately 100 million infections in the region. In addition, more than 10 million people suffer from either liver or intestinal fluke infections, as well as schistosomiasis and lymphatic filariasis (LF). Intestinal protozoan infections are widespread, while leishmaniasis has emerged in Thailand, and zoonotic malaria (Plasmodium knowlesi infection) causes severe morbidity in Malaysia. Melioidosis has emerged as an important bacterial NTD, as have selected rickettsial infections, and leptospirosis. Leprosy, yaws, and trachoma are still endemic in focal areas. Almost 70 million cases of dengue fever occur annually in ASEAN countries, such that this arboviral infection is now one of the most common and economically important NTDs in the region. A number of other arboviral and zoonotic viral infections have also emerged, including Japanese encephalitis; tick-borne viral infections; Nipah virus, a zoonosis present in fruit bats; and enterovirus 71 infection. There are urgent needs to expand surveillance activities in ASEAN countries, as well as to ensure mass drug administration is provided to populations at risk for intestinal helminth and fluke infections, LF, trachoma, and yaws. An ASEAN Network for Drugs, Diagnostics, Vaccines, and Traditional Medicines Innovation provides a policy framework for the development of new control and elimination tools. Together with prominent research institutions and universities, the World Health Organization (WHO), and its regional offices, these organizations could implement important public health improvements through NTD control and elimination in the coming decade.
机译:东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)的十个成员国构成了经济强国,但这些国家也隐藏着贫穷和被忽视的热带病(NTD)的大部分隐性负担。东盟国家中有近2亿人生活在极端贫困中,其中大部分生活在印度尼西亚,菲律宾,缅甸,越南和柬埔寨的低收入或中低收入国家,其中许多人至少受到一个新台币的影响。但是,即使在马来西亚和泰国等中等中等收入的东盟国家中,NTD也很普遍,尤其是在土著居民中。最常见的NTD是三种主要的肠道蠕虫感染。每个蠕虫病与该地区约1亿例感染有关。此外,超过一千万的人患有肝或肠吸虫感染,以及血吸虫病和淋巴丝虫病(LF)。肠道原生动物感染很普遍,而利什曼病在泰国已经出现,人畜共患疟疾(诺氏疟原虫感染)在马来西亚引起严重的发病。与选择的立克次氏菌感染和钩端螺旋体病一样,类胡萝卜素已成为重要的细菌性NTD。麻风病,偏航和沙眼在重点地区仍然很流行。东盟国家每年发生近7,000万例登革热病例,因此,这种虫媒病毒感染现已成为该地区最常见且经济上重要的NTD之一。还出现了许多其他的虫媒病毒和人畜共患病毒感染,包括日本脑炎。传播的病毒感染; Nipah病毒,一种在果蝠中的人畜共患病;和肠病毒71感染。迫切需要在东盟国家扩大监视活动,并确保向面临肠道蠕虫和吸虫感染,LF,沙眼和偏航风险的人群提供大规模药物管理。东盟药品,诊断,疫苗和传统药物创新网络为开发新的控制和消除工具提供了政策框架。这些组织可以与著名的研究机构和大学,世界卫生组织(WHO)及其地区办事处一起,在未来十年内通过NTD控制和消除NTD来实施重要的公共卫生改善。



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