首页> 外文期刊>PLoS Computational Biology >Bacterial surface colonization, preferential attachment and fitness under periodic stress

Bacterial surface colonization, preferential attachment and fitness under periodic stress




Author summary A vast portion of bacterial life on Earth takes place on surfaces. In many of these surfaces cells collectively organize into biofilms that are known to provide them protection from various environmental stresses. Early bacterial colonization of surfaces, prior to the development of mature biofilm, is a critical stage during which cells attempt to establish a sustainable population. It is not a random process wherein cells arbitrarily attach to surfaces and grow to form micro-colonies. Rather, surface-attachments, movement and cellular interactions take place to yield non-random organization. Using computer simulations, based on individual-based modeling, we demonstrate that simple attachment strategies, where planktonic cells preferentially attach to existing surface-attached aggregates, may confer fitness advantage over random attachment. The advantage of preferential attachment is particularly substantial under periodic stress-a common characteristic of many natural microbial habitats. This is due to a more efficient recruitment of planktonic cells that accelerates the formation of stress-protected aggregates.



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