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Effect of ecological factors on germination of horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum)

机译:生态因子对马齿sl(Trianthema portulacastrum)发芽的影响



Trianthema portulacastrum is a very problematic summer crop weed and a complete crop failure has been observed because of this weed at high density. The effect of different ecological factors on germination of T. portulacastrum seeds collected in two different years (2009 and 2005) was studied in laboratory experiments. An increase in temperature from 25 to 35 oC increased germination percentage of T. portulacastrum from 65 to 85%, after which germination started to decrease, reducing to 71.25% at 45 oC. Trianthema portulacastrum had maximum germination with distilled water compared with different salt solutions and drought stress levels. Germination was significantly minimum at salinity and drought stress level of 250 mM and -0.8 MPa, respectively. Emergence of T. portulacastrum was maximum (86.25%) at 100% field capacity level but decreased sharply as field capacity decreased thereafter, and minimum emergence (30%) was recorded at field capacity level of 25%. Germination of T. portulacastrum was lowest at pH 5 and any increase in pH resulted in increased germination. A pH range of 8 to 10 had statistically similar germination. Sowing depth of 6 cm reduced the emergence of T. portulacastrum to zero. Reduction in emergence was recorded with depth increase from zero to 5 cm. Maximum emergence was recorded from soil surface (0 cm). An increase in temperature, salinity, drought, sowing depth (up to 4 cm) and a decrease in field capacity increased time to start germination/emergence, time to 50% germination/emergence and mean germination/emergence time but decreased germination/emergence index. Seeds collected during 2009 gave higher germination than old seeds collected in 2005. This information might contribute to development of effective control of T. portulacastrum.
机译:Trianthema portulacastrum是一种夏季农作物杂草,问题非常严重,由于这种杂草在高密度下已观察到完全歉收。在室内实验中研究了不同生态因素对两个不同年份(2009年和2005年)收集的马齿T种子萌发的影响。温度从25升高到35 oC,马齿T的发芽率从65增加到85%,此后发芽开始减少,在45 oC时发芽率降低到71.25%。与不同的盐溶液和干旱胁迫水平相比,马齿在蒸馏水中发芽最大。在盐度和干旱胁迫水平分别为250 mM和-0.8 MPa时,发芽率最低。在100%田间持水量时,Portulacastrum的出现最大(86.25%),但随其后田间持水量的减少而急剧下降,在25%田间持水量时出现的最小出现量(30%)。马齿T的发芽在pH 5时最低,pH的增加都会导致发芽增加。在8到10的pH范围内具有统计上相似的发芽率。播种深度为6 cm时,马齿T草的出现减少为零。随着深度从零增加到5厘米,记录到的出芽减少。从土壤表面(0厘米)记录到最大出苗率。温度,盐分,干旱,播种深度(最多4 cm)的增加和田间生产能力的降低增加了开始发芽/出苗的时间,发芽/出芽的时间和平均发芽/出芽时间的50%,但发芽/出芽指数却降低了。与2005年采集的旧种子相比,2009年采集的种子发芽率更高。此信息可能有助于有效控制马齿T草。



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