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Finite geometric toy model of spacetime as an error correcting code




A finite geometric model of space-time (which we call the bulk) is shown to emerge as a set of error correcting codes. The bulk is encoding a set of messages located in a blow up of the Gibbons-Hoffman-Wootters (GHW) discrete phase space for n -qubits (which we call the boundary). Our error correcting code is a geometric subspace code known from network coding, and the correspondence map is the finite geometric analogue of the Plücker map well-known from twistor theory. The n = 2 case of the bulk-boundary correspondence is precisely the twistor correspondence where the boundary is playing the role of the twistor space and the bulk is a finite geometric version of compactified Minkowski space-time. For n ≥ 3 the bulk is identified with the finite geometric version of the Brody-Hughston quantum space-time. For special regions on both sides of the correspondence we associate certain collections of qubit observables. On the boundary side this association gives rise to the well-known GHW quantum net structure. In this picture the messages are complete sets of commuting observables associated to Lagrangian subspaces giving a partition of the boundary. Incomplete subsets of observables corresponding to subspaces of the Lagrangian ones are regarded as corrupted messages. Such a partition of the boundary is represented on the bulk side as a special collection of space-time points. For a particular message residing in the boundary, the set of possible errors is described by the fine details of the light-cone structure of its representative space-time point in the bulk. The geometric arrangement of representative space-time points, playing the role of the variety of codewords, encapsulates an algebraic algorithm for recovery from errors on the boundary side.
机译:时空的有限几何模型(我们称之为整体)被显示为一组纠错码。大量代码对位于n个量子比特(我们称为边界)的Gibbons-Hoffman-Wootters(GHW)离散相空间的爆炸中的一组消息进行编码。我们的纠错码是网络编码中已知的几何子空间代码,而对应图是从扭曲理论中众所周知的普吕克图的有限几何类似物。体边界对应的n = 2情况恰好是旋量对应,其中边界在旋量空间中起着作用,而体积是压缩的Minkowski时空的有限几何形式。对于n≥3,将使用Brody-Hughston量子时空的有限几何形式来识别体积。对于通信双方的特殊区域,我们将某些量子位可观观测值关联起来。在边界方面,这种结合产生了众所周知的GHW量子网结构。在此图片中,消息是与拉格朗日子空间相关联的通勤可观察物的完整集合,给出了边界的划分。对应于拉格朗日子空间的可观察物的不完整子集被视为损坏的消息。边界的这种划分在体量方面表示为时空点的特殊集合。对于驻留在边界中的特定消息,可能的错误集由其代表的时空点在整体中的圆锥结构的精细细节来描述。具有代表性的时空点的几何排列起着各种代码字的作用,封装了一种代数算法,可从边界一侧的错误中恢复。



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