首页> 外文期刊>Patient Preference and Adherence >Psychiatrists’ awareness of adherence to antipsychotic medication in patients with schizophrenia: results from a survey conducted across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa

Psychiatrists’ awareness of adherence to antipsychotic medication in patients with schizophrenia: results from a survey conducted across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa




Background: Nonadherence is common among patients with schizophrenia, although the rates vary according to means of assessment and patient population. Failure to adhere to medication can have a major impact on the course of illness and treatment outcomes, including increasing the risk of relapse and rehospitalization. Understanding psychiatrists’ perception of the causes and consequences of nonadherence is crucial to addressing adherence problems effectively.Methods: The Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Spanish Adherencia Terapéutica en la Esquizofrenia (ADHES) survey was conducted by questionnaire during January–March 2010 among psychiatrists treating patients with schizophrenia in 36 countries. The survey comprised 20 questions. In addition to recording the demographic details of the 4722 respondents (~12% response rate), it canvassed their preferred methods of assessing adherence, their perceptions of adherence rates, reasons for nonadherence, and strategies to improve adherence.Results: Psychiatrists estimated that 53% of their patients with schizophrenia were partiallyonadherent during the previous month. They estimated only one-third of patients who deteriorated after stopping medication were able to attribute this to nonadherence. Psychiatrists assessed adherence most often by patient interview. Lack of insight was viewed as the most important cause of medication discontinuation, followed by patients feeling better and thinking their medication unnecessary, and experiencing undesirable side effects. Considerably fewer psychiatrists viewed insufficient efficacy, cognitive impairment, or drug/alcohol abuse as the most important reasons for their patients stopping medication.Conclusion: Psychiatrists throughout EMEA recognize the impact of partialonadherence to medication, with patient enquiry being the most commonly used means of assessment. There remains a need for more proactive management of patients with schizophrenia, particularly in increasing patient insight of their illness in order to improve adherence and minimize the consequences of relapse. Strategies focused on raising awareness of the importance of adherence are also warranted, with the aim of improving patient outcomes in schizophrenia.
机译:背景:精神分裂症患者普遍存在不依从性,尽管发生率随评估方式和患者人群的不同而不同。不坚持用药会对疾病进程和治疗结果产生重大影响,包括增加复发和再次住院的风险。了解精神科医生对不依从的原因和后果的理解对于有效解决依从性问题至关重要。方法:欧洲,中东和非洲(EMEA)西班牙阿德埃尼亚·埃拉·埃斯奎索菲尼亚(ADHES)调查于1月– 2010年3月,在36个国家中治疗精神分裂症患者的精神科医生中。该调查包括20个问题。除了记录4722名受访者的人口统计学细节(〜12%答复率)外,它还探讨了他们评估依从性的首选方法,对依从性的看法,不依从的原因以及改善依从性的策略。结果:精神科医生估计有53名在上个月中,有%的精神分裂症患者部分/不粘连。他们估计,只有三分之一的停药后恶化的患者能够将其归因于不依从。精神科医生最经常通过患者访谈来评估依从性。缺乏见识被认为是药物停用的最重要原因,其次是患者感觉好转并认为不必要用药,并出现不良副作用。较少的精神科医生认为疗效不足,认知障碍或药物/酒精滥用是其患者停止用药的最重要原因。结论:整个EMEA地区的精神科医生认识到部分/不坚持用药的影响,以患者询问为最常用的手段评估。仍然需要对精神分裂症患者进行更积极的管理,特别是在增加患者对疾病的认识方面,以改善依从性并最小化复发的后果。还必须采取旨在提高人们对依从性重要性认识的策略,以改善精神分裂症患者的预后。


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