首页> 外文期刊>Papillomavirus Research >Human papillomavirus (HPV) perinatal transmission and risk of HPV persistence among children: Design, methods and preliminary results of the HERITAGE study

Human papillomavirus (HPV) perinatal transmission and risk of HPV persistence among children: Design, methods and preliminary results of the HERITAGE study




Perinatal route of transmission of human papillomavirus (HPV) has been demonstrated in several small studies. We designed a large prospective cohort study (HERITAGE) to better understand perinatal HPV. The objective of this article is to present the study design and preliminary data. In the first phase of the study, we recruited 167 women in Montreal, Canada, during the first trimester of pregnancy. An additional 850 are currently being recruited in the ongoing phase. Cervicovaginal samples were obtained from mothers in the first trimester and tested for HPV DNA from 36 mucosal genotypes (and repeated in the third trimester for HPV-positive mothers). Placental samples were also taken for HPV DNA testing. Conjunctival, oral, pharyngeal and genital samples were collected for HPV DNA testing in children of HPV-positive mothers at every 3–6 months from birth until 2 years of age. Blood samples were collected in mother and children for HPV serology testing. We found a high prevalence of HPV in pregnant women (45%[95%CI:37–53%]) and in placentas (14%[8–21%]). The proportion of HPV positivity (any site) among children at birth/3-months was 11%[5–22%]. HPV was detected in children in multiple sites including the conjunctiva (5%[10–14%]). The ongoing HERITAGE cohort will help provide a better understanding of perinatal HPV.
机译:人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的围产期传播途径已在几项小型研究中得到证实。我们设计了一项大型前瞻性队列研究(HERITAGE),以更好地了解围产期HPV。本文的目的是介绍研究设计和初步数据。在研究的第一阶段,我们在怀孕的头三个月在加拿大蒙特利尔招募了167名妇女。目前,在进行中的阶段正在招募850人。在孕早期从母亲那里获得宫颈阴道样本,并测试36种粘膜基因型的HPV DNA(在孕晚期对HPV阳性母亲进行重复)。胎盘样品也用于HPV DNA检测。从出生到两岁,每3-6个月收集一次结膜,口腔,咽部和生殖器样本,以对HPV阳性母亲的孩子进行HPV DNA检测。收集母亲和儿童的血样用于HPV血清学测试。我们发现孕妇(45%[95%CI:37–53%])和胎盘(14%[8-21%])中HPV的患病率很高。在出生/ 3个月的儿童中,HPV阳性(任何部位)的比例为11%[5–22%]。在包括结膜在内的多个部位的儿童中检测到HPV(5%[10–14%])。正在进行的HERITAGE队列将有助于更好地了解围产期HPV。


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