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Multiple health behaviours among mothers and partners in England: Clustering, social patterning and intra-couple concordance




Research on multiple health behaviours is increasing but little is known about parental behaviours and how they covary. Our study investigates cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption and physical activity among mothers and co-resident partners in England. Using the UK Household Longitudinal Study, we examined (i) clustering of health behaviours using observed-expected ratios and latent class analysis (ii) socio-demographic correlates of the derived latent classes and (iii) intra-couple concordance of individual health behaviours and their latent classes. We identified five latent classes for mothers and partners: Never smoked drinkers (28% of mothers; 29% of partners), Abstainers (25%; 17%), Drinkers and ex-smokers (19%; 26%), Unhealthy low frequency drinkers (18%; 16%) and Unhealthiest behaviour group (11%; 12%). These had distinctive social profiles. Never smoked drinkers were more likely than those in other groups to be white and socially advantaged: married, older, and with higher educational qualifications and incomes. Abstainers were non-smokers who never or occasionally drank, and were disproportionately drawn from ethnic minority groups and middle/lower income families. Drinkers and ex-smokers were the most physically active group and were more likely to be socially advantaged. Unhealthy low frequency drinkers were more likely to be disadvantaged and have a limiting long-standing illness. The Unhealthiest behaviour group had the highest proportion of smokers, heavy smokers and binge drinkers and the lowest F&V intake and physical activity levels. They were largely white and socially disadvantaged: younger, non-married and with lower educational levels. Mothers and their partners typically shared the same risk behaviours, and 44 per cent of partners and mothers belonged to the same latent class. Our findings point to the potential for a broadening of research and policy perspectives, from separate behaviours to combinations of behaviours, and from individuals to the domestic units and communities of which they are part. Highlights ? Little is known about the multiple health behaviours of couples with children. ? Mothers and partners belong to five similar health behaviour groups (latent classes). ? Mothers and partners were more likely than not to belong to the same class ? The largest class – never smokers who drank frequently – were socially advantaged. ? Those with the unhealthiest behaviours were more likely to be white and disadvantaged.
机译:对多种健康行为的研究正在增加,但对父母行为及其如何变态知之甚少。我们的研究调查了英国母亲和同居伴侣之间的吸烟,酒精摄入,水果和蔬菜(F&V)消耗以及体育锻炼。使用英国家庭纵向研究,我们研究了(i)使用观察到的比率和潜在类别分析对健康行为进行的聚类(ii)得出的潜在类别的社会人口统计相关性,以及(iii)个体健康行为的夫妇内部一致性和他们的潜在阶级。我们为母亲和伴侣确定了五个潜在类别:从未吸烟者(母亲的28%;伴侣的29%),戒酒者(25%; 17%),饮酒者和前吸烟者(19%; 26%),不健康的低频率饮酒者(18%; 16%)和不健康行为组(11%; 12%)。这些具有鲜明的社会形象。从未吸烟的饮酒者比其他人群更容易成为白人和具有社会优势的人:已婚,年龄较大,学历和收入较高。戒酒者是从未吸烟或从未喝过酒的非吸烟者,他们不成比例地来自少数民族和中低收入家庭。饮酒者和前吸烟者是最运动的人群,更有可能在社会上获得好处。不健康的低频率饮酒者更可能处于不利地位,并长期存在有限的疾病。不健康行为组的吸烟者,重度吸烟者和狂饮者比例最高,F&V摄入量和体育锻炼水平最低。他们主要是白人,在社会上处于弱势地位:年轻,未婚,文化程度较低。母亲及其伴侣通常具有相同的风险行为,伴侣和母亲中有44%属于同一潜在类别。我们的发现指出,从单独的行为到行为的组合,以及从个人到他们所隶属的家庭单位和社区,都有可能扩大研究和政策角度。强调 ?对有孩子的夫妇的多种健康行为知之甚少。 ?母亲和伴侣属于五个相似的健康行为群体(潜伏类)。 ?母亲和伴侣更有可能不属于同一个阶级?最大的阶层-从不吸烟者经常喝酒-在社会上处于有利地位。 ?那些行为最不健康的人更有可能是白人和弱势群体。



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