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Fungal biota of the domestic animals in a city in Pakistan




Objectives: To determine the prevalence of Keratinophillic fungi from domestic animals in Sukkur City Sindh Pakistan. Methodology: A total of seven hundred and fifty hair samples from three groups (buffalo, goat and cow) of animals were collected in sterilized polythene bags in Sukkur city. Hair pieces measuring 2cm were placed on the agar plates supplemented with 0.05 g/l chloramphenicol for obtaining the fungal growth on hair. Hairs showing the whitish mycelial growth were transferred to freshly prepared Sabouraud?s Dextrose Agar (SDA) for cultural growth and pure culture were maintained at 5oC in refrigerator. Results: Out of 750 hair samples collected from three domestic animals which were studied in Sukkur city, Sindh, Pakistan, five hundred ninety four (594) isolates belonged to 8 genera and 9 species were isolated. A. candidus and Alterneria alternata were almost equally prevalent species represented by 14.81% and 14.48% respectively of the total number of isolates. A. niger and Chrysosporium asparatum were equal in their prevalence and represented 12.63% and 12.46%. Exophiala sp comes next constituting 12.29% followed by Stemphyllium sp. 10.94%. Other species isolated less frequently included Cladosporium 8.08%, Acrimonium sp.7.41% and Penicillium sp. 6.90%. The isolation frequency of fungal biota was significantly greater in buffalo from cow and goat (respectively 40.06%, 33.33% and 26.60% p = 0.02). Conclusion: Keratinophillic fungi were isolated from domestic animals and the prevalence of these fungi in domestic animals may have a role in transmission of skin and other infections in human population.
机译:目的:确定巴基斯坦信德市Sukkur市家畜中的角蛋白真菌的患病率。方法:将三组动物(水牛,山羊和牛)的750个毛发样品收集在Sukkur市的消毒聚乙烯袋中。将尺寸为2cm的发片放在补充有0.05g / l氯霉素的琼脂平板上,以使真菌在头发上生长。将发白的菌丝生长的毛发转移到新鲜制备的Sabouraud的葡萄糖琼脂(SDA)中进行培养,将纯培养物在冰箱中保持5oC。结果:从在巴基斯坦信德省苏库尔市研究的三只家畜收集的750个毛发样本中,有849个(594)分离株属于8个属,共分离了9种。念珠菌和链格孢菌是几乎相同的流行种,分别代表分离物总数的14.81%和14.48%。黑曲霉和金孢孢子的患病率相同,分别占12.63%和12.46%。其次是Exophiala sp,占12.29%,其次是Stemphyllium sp。 10.94%。分离频率较低的其他物种包括紫花苜蓿(Cladosporium)8.08%,A藜(Acrimonium sp。)7.41%和青霉(Penicillium sp。) 6.90%。牛和山羊的水牛中真菌菌群的分离频率明显更高(分别为40.06%,33.33%和26.60%p = 0.02)。结论:从家畜中分离出了亲角蛋白真菌,这些真菌在家畜中的流行可能与人类皮肤和其他感染的传播有关。



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