首页> 外文期刊>Pakistan journal of medical sciences. >Presence of helicobacter pylori in dyspeptic patients with endoscopically normal stomach

Presence of helicobacter pylori in dyspeptic patients with endoscopically normal stomach




Objective: To find out the presence of Helicobacter pylori in dyspeptic patients with endoscopically normal stomach.Methodology: In this observational study all patients above the age of 15 years with dyspepsia of more than one month duration were included in the study. Patients taking antibiotics or proton pump inhibitors were excluded. Upper Gastro intestinal (GI) endoscopy was done in all patients and specimens from the antrum of stomach were taken for rapid urease test and histology. Patients were divided into group A (who had no abnormal finding of stomach on endoscopy) and group B (patients who had abnormal finding of stomach on endoscopy).Results: There were 100 patients in the study, 50 in group A and 50 in group B. Mean age in group A was (30.2 years) with 21 (42%) males and 29 (58%) females, while in group B it was 36.4 years with 32 (64%) males and 18 (36%) females. Most common complaint of epigastric pain was present in 40 (80%) patients in group A and 42 (84%) in group B followed by heart burn 6(12%) in group A and 22(44%) in group B. On endoscopy oesophagits was seen in 7(14%) patients in group A and 18 (36%) patients in group B. All patients in group A had normal stomach on endoscopy while in group B 15(30%) patients showed antral erythema and 35(70%) showed pangastic erythema.Duodenum was normal in all Group- A patients while four patients in Group-B had duodenal erosions. Histologically 34(68%) patients were positive for H. pylori in Group-A, compared to 39(78%) in Group- B.Conclusion: H. pylori is present in a significant number of dyspeptic patients with endoscopically normal stomach. Normal looking gastric mucosa in these patients could be either due to milder infection or endoscopy done early during the course of infection. H.Pylori eradication has the potential to reduce the risk of gastric cancer development whose incidence varies geographically.
机译:目的:了解内镜正常胃消化不良的患者中是否存在幽门螺杆菌。方法:本观察性研究纳入了所有15岁以上,消化不良持续时间超过一个月的患者。排除使用抗生素或质子泵抑制剂的患者。所有患者均进行了上消化道肠道(GI)内窥镜检查,并从胃窦取标本进行尿素酶快速检测和组织学检查。将患者分为A组(内窥镜检查未发现胃异常)和B组(内窥镜检查未发现胃异常)。结果:研究对象为100例,A组为50例,A组为50例。 B. A组的平均年龄为(30.2岁),男性为2​​1(42%),女性为29(58%),而B组的平均年龄为36.4岁,男性为32(64%),女性为18(36%)。 A组中最常见的上腹部疼痛症状出现在40名(80%)患者中,B组中有42名(84%)患者,其次是A组心脏灼伤6(12%),B组中22名(44%)。 A组有7(14%)例患者出现内窥镜食道食管,B组有18(36%)例患者发现内窥镜食管食管。A组所有患者的内窥镜检查胃均正常,而B组有15(30%)例示胃窦红斑和35例(70%)表现为上腹性红斑。所有A组患者十二指肠均正常,而B组中有4例患有十二指肠糜烂。在组织学上,A组的幽门螺杆菌阳性率为34%(68%),而B组的则为39%(78%)。结论:幽门螺杆菌存在于许多消化道内镜正常的消化不良患者中。这些患者的胃黏膜正常,可能是由于感染较轻或在感染过程中早期进行了内镜检查所致。幽门螺杆菌的根除有可能降低发生胃癌的风险,胃癌的发生因地理位置而异。



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