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Changing Urban Form and Transport CO2 Emissions: An Empirical Analysis of Beijing, China

机译:变化的城市形态和交通运输中的CO 2 排放:对中国北京的一项实证分析



Decentralization development and changing urban form will increase the mobility and contribute to global CO2 emissions, in particular for developing countries which are experiencing rapid economic growth and urban expansion. In this paper, an integrated analytical framework, which can quantify the impact of changing urban form on commuting CO2 emissions, is presented. This framework simultaneously considers two emission dependent factors, commuting demand and modal share based on the concept of excess commuting and accessibility analysis, and ensures its applicability to other cities where the detailed individual travel data is not available. A case study of Beijing from 2000 to 2009 is used to illustrate this framework. The findings suggest that changing urban form in Beijing did have a significant impact on commuting CO2 emission increase. Changing to a more decentralized urban form in Beijing had a larger impact on commuting distance and increased usage of cars, which resulted in a significant rise in CO2 emissions. There is a larger space and an urgent need for commuting CO2 emission reduction, in 2009 in Beijing, by planning and by strategic measures in order to promote sustainable transport.
机译:分权发展和不断变化的城市形态将增加流动性,并为全球CO 2 排放做出贡献,特别是对于正在经历快速经济增长和城市扩张的发展中国家而言。本文提出了一个综合的分析框架,该框架可以量化改变城市形态对通勤CO 2 排放的影响。该框架基于过度通勤和可及性分析的概念,同时考虑了两个排放相关的因素,通勤需求和交通方式份额,并确保其适用于没有详细个人出行数据的其他城市。以2000年至2009年北京的案例研究为例。研究结果表明,北京城市形态的变化确实对通勤的CO 2 排放增加产生了显着影响。北京改变为更分散的城市形式,对通勤距离和汽车使用量的影响更大,导致CO 2 排放量显着增加。为了促进可持续交通运输,2009年在北京,通过规划和战略措施,有更大的空间和迫切需要减少CO 2 的排放。



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