首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >Olga Tokarczuk’s Anna In in the Tombs of the World: A Feminist Retelling of the Sumerian Myth of the Goddess Inanna

Olga Tokarczuk’s Anna In in the Tombs of the World: A Feminist Retelling of the Sumerian Myth of the Goddess Inanna

机译:奥尔加·托卡丘克(Olga Tokarczuk)的《安娜在世界的坟墓》:女神对苏美尔女神伊娜的神话的重述



Rewriting mythological characters, tales and motifs is a popular strategy used in feminist literature from the late 20th?century. Deconstructing sexist cultural canons, challenging gender normative narratives, subverting patriarchal values and offering new female perspectives are the main purposes. Within such a framework, the article analyzes the reinterpretation of the Sumerian myth of the goddess Inanna by one of Poland's most prominent writers. Olga?Tokarczuk’s?Anna In in the Tombs of the World?employs such strategies as the modernization of the story, now set in a dystopian, high-tech and futuristic world; the introduction of a few, but significant, changes in the narrative structure, like the modification of the plot and the insertion of the figure of the Mother Goddess; the syncretic fusion of themes and topics belonging to different eras and cultures (Sumerian,?Assyro-Babylonian, Classical Antiquity); and the redefinition of the psychological meanings underlying the descent of the goddess into the underworld. Ultimately, the writer carries out a deep?resemantization?and?refunctionalization?of the original Sumerian myth based on a feminist and Jungian approach. Published in the mid-2000s, the novel should be read as a critical voice in the context of the antifeminist backlash that took shape at that time in Polish politics and jeopardized feminist conquests gained to date.
机译:改写神话人物,故事和图案是20世纪后期女性主义文学中使用的一种流行策略。主要目的是解构性别歧视文化规范,挑战性别规范叙事,颠覆父权价值观并提供新的女性视角。在这样的框架内,文章分析了波兰最杰出的作家之一对苏美尔女神伊安娜的神话的重新诠释。奥尔加·托卡丘克(Olga Tokarczuk)的《安娜在世界之墓》中采用了诸如故事现代化等策略,如今该战略处于反乌托邦,高科技和未来主义世界;在叙事结构中引入了一些但很重要的变化,例如情节的修改和母亲女神形象的插入;属于不同时代和文化的主题和主题的融合(苏美尔式,亚述巴比伦式,古典上古);重新定义了女神堕入黑社会的心理含义。最终,作者根据女权主义者和荣格主义的方法对原始的苏美尔神话进行了深刻的“重新象征”和“功能化”。该小说于2000年代中期出版,应被视为当时波兰政治中逐渐形成的反女权主义反弹的批评之声,迄今为止,这种反对主义已危害了女性主义的征服。




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