首页> 外文期刊>Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy >The alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT): validation of a Nepali version for the detection of alcohol use disorders and hazardous drinking in medical settings

The alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT): validation of a Nepali version for the detection of alcohol use disorders and hazardous drinking in medical settings




Background Alcohol problems are a major health issue in Nepal and remain under diagnosed. Increase in consumption are due to many factors, including advertising, pricing and availability, but accurate information is lacking on the prevalence of current alcohol use disorders. The AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test) questionnaire developed by WHO identifies individuals along the full spectrum of alcohol misuse and hence provides an opportunity for early intervention in non-specialty settings. This study aims to validate a Nepali version of AUDIT among patients attending a university hospital and assess the prevalence of alcohol use disorders along the full spectrum of alcohol misuse. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted in patients attending the medicine out-patient department of a university hospital. DSM-IV diagnostic categories (alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence) were used as the gold standard to calculate the diagnostic parameters of the AUDIT. Hazardous drinking was defined as self reported consumption of ≥21 standard drink units per week for males and ≥14 standard drink units per week for females. Results A total of 1068 individuals successfully completed the study. According to DSM-IV, drinkers were classified as follows: No alcohol problem (n=562; 59.5%), alcohol abusers (n= 78; 8.3%) and alcohol dependent (n=304; 32.2%). The prevalence of hazardous drinker was 67.1%. The Nepali version of AUDIT is a reliable and valid screening tool to identify individuals with alcohol use disorders in the Nepalese population. AUDIT showed a good capacity to discriminate dependent patients (with AUDIT ≥11 for both the gender) and hazardous drinkers (with AUDIT ≥5 for males and ≥4 for females). For alcohol dependence/abuse the cut off values was ≥9 for both males and females. Conclusion The AUDIT questionnaire is a good screening instrument for detecting alcohol use disorders in patients attending a university hospital. This study also reveals a very high prevalence of alcohol use disorders in Nepal.
机译:背景技术酒精问题是尼泊尔的主要健康问题,目前仍在诊断中。消费增加是由许多因素引起的,包括广告,价格和供应情况,但是缺乏有关当前饮酒障碍患病率的准确信息。世卫组织开发的AUDIT(酒精使用障碍识别测试)调查表可识别整个酒精滥用人群,因此为非专业环境的早期干预提供了机会。这项研究旨在验证在大学医院就诊的患者中尼泊尔语版本的AUDIT的有效性,并评估整个滥用酒精事件中的酒精使用障碍的患病率。方法本横断面研究是在大学医院内科门诊就诊的患者中进行的。 DSM-IV诊断类别(酗酒和酒精依赖)被用作黄金标准,以计算AUDIT的诊断参数。危险饮酒的定义是,男性自我报告每周摄入≥21标准饮料单位,女性每周≥14标准饮用量。结果共有1068人成功完成了研究。根据DSM-IV,饮酒者分为以下几类:无饮酒问题(n = 562; 59.5%),饮酒者(n = 78; 8.3%)和饮酒依赖性(n = 304; 32.2%)。危险饮酒者的患病率为67.1%。尼泊尔版本的AUDIT是一种可靠且有效的筛查工具,可用来识别尼泊尔人口中患有酒精使用障碍的人。 AUDIT显示出很好的区分依存患者(性别AUDIT≥11)和危险饮酒者(男性AUDIT≥5,女性≥4)的能力。对于酒精依赖/滥用,男性和女性的临界值均≥9。结论AUDIT问卷是一种很好的筛查工具,可用于检查大学医院患者的酒精使用障碍。这项研究还揭示了尼泊尔的酒精使用障碍患病率很高。



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