首页> 外文期刊>Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatria >Apnea obstructiva del sue?o y trastornos psiquiátricos

Apnea obstructiva del sue?o y trastornos psiquiátricos




Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders, and is characterized by recurrent collapse of the upper airway during sleep caused suddenly, with a subsequent decrease in blood oxygen's saturation and has repercussions in the patient's general condition. Aim: To describe the characteristics of this association according to the available medical evidence. Report: The mechanisms of association of sleep apnea with psychiatric disorders are not well defined. However the coexistence of depressive symptoms with this condition has been documented and refractoriness in the treatment of psychiatric disorders when there is comorbidity. Although there is more evidence linking psychiatric disorders with obstructive sleep apnea, there is some evidence linking depressive disorders and anxiety symptoms, comorbid sleep apnea, which alerts the active search for both conditions in patients one of the diagnoses. Conclusions: Physicians should suspect obstructive sleep apnea in patients with refractory depression mainly chronic snoring, short and wide neck, a high body mass index and excessive daytime sleepiness.
机译:简介:阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停是最常见的睡眠障碍之一,其特征是突然引起的睡眠中上呼吸道反复塌陷,随后血氧饱和度降低,并对患者的一般状况产生影响。 目的:根据可用的医学证据描述这种关联的特征。 报告:睡眠呼吸暂停与精神疾病的关联机制尚未明确。然而,抑郁症状与这种情况并存,并且有合并症时,在精神疾病的治疗中难治性已有文献记载。尽管有更多的证据将精神疾病与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停相关联,但仍有一些证据将抑郁症和焦虑症状(合并症睡眠呼吸暂停)相关联,这提醒了对其中一种情况的患者进行积极搜索。 结论:医师应怀疑难治性抑郁症患者的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停,主要是慢性打neck,脖子短而宽,体重指数高和白天过度嗜睡。



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