首页> 外文期刊>Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatria >Paraparesia espástica progresiva asociada a HTLV-I en Chile: Estudio y seguimiento de 121 pacientes por diez a?os

Paraparesia espástica progresiva asociada a HTLV-I en Chile: Estudio y seguimiento de 121 pacientes por diez a?os




Revision is made to 121 Chilean patients with progressive adult spastic paraparesis (PSPs) associated to HTLV-I. Epidemiologic, clinical, diagnosis and associated illnesses aspects are analyzed as well as the pathogenesis. The follow-up of patients during several years allowed defining the evolutional profile, establishing the causes of death and studying the virus' behavior. Pathogenesis hypothesis arose from the neuropathological search to define the mechanisms of damage supported on immunohystochemical studies. It was confirmed that the CNS illness is a degenerative process linked to a central axonopathy which expresses flaws in the axoplasmic transport, particularly affecting the corticospinal tracts, although there is a more extended myeloencephalic involvement. Furthermore, the virus is capable of producing a multisystemic illness that may simultaneously involve the nervous system; the hematological system; the exocrine glands; the hepatic, lung, muscular and bone parenchymas.



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