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Fowl cholera




Fowl cholera is a septicemic disease caused by Pasteurellamultocida which affects a variety of domesticated and wild birds. This highly contagious disease causes high morbidity and mortality resulting in great economic losses, especially in large industrial-type poultry complexes. It usually occurs as an acute disease, but chronic infections can also occur in some outbreaks. Pasteurellamultocida type A is the etiologic agent of fowl cholera, highly contagious and fatal disease of chickens. Pasteurellamultocida have five types of capsular serotype i.e. type A, B, D, E and F. Diagnosis of the disease is mainly based on the clinical signs and symptoms, post mortem findings. Confirmatory diagnosis is done by isolation and identification of causative agent. A variety of laboratory diagnostic techniques have been developed over the years for pasteurellosis and used routinely in the laboratory. Among these techniques molecular techniques of diagnosis is most important. Accurate and early diagnoses are considered as the effective tools to frame the strategy for controlling of any infectious disease like Fowl cholera. Vaccination is considered as one of the common preventive measures worldwide to reduce the prevalence and incidence of disease. Control of fowl cholera is primarily ensured by good management practices and treatment with antimicrobial agents.
机译:禽霍乱是由巴斯德巴氏杆菌引起的败血病,影响多种驯养和野生鸟类。这种高度传染性的疾病导致很高的发病率和死亡率,导致巨大的经济损失,特别是在大型工业型禽类综合体中。它通常以急性疾病的形式发生,但在某些疫情中也可能发生慢性感染。 A型巴斯德氏菌是禽霍乱的病原体,是鸡高传染性和致命性疾病。巴氏杆菌具有五种荚膜血清型,即A,B,D,E和F型。疾病的诊断主要基于验尸发现的临床体征和症状。确诊通过隔离和鉴定病原体来完成。多年来,针对巴氏杆菌病已开发了多种实验室诊断技术,并在实验室中常规使用。在这些技术中,分子诊断技术最为重要。准确和早期诊断被认为是制定控制任何传染病(例如禽霍乱)的策略的有效工具。疫苗接种被认为是全世界范围内减少疾病流行和发病率的常见预防措施之一。禽霍乱的控制主要是通过良好的管理规范和抗微生物剂治疗来确保的。



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