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The science of self, society and nation




A scientific relationship among self, society and nation is still not clearly known in philosophy, sociology and economics because of lack of concrete historical human data that would enable to substantiate it. Humanity experienced many conflicting economic and political systems and countless wars. In addition, there have been major different religions in societies and nations. Consequently, philosophers, sociologists and economists have bee investigating to study the scientific relationship among self, society and nation. The author (Chung, 2009; 2012b) proposed a theory of the science of self, mind and body. Further, he presented a desirable ideology based on the perspective of his theory: the “communal freedom democracy”. In this study, he compared the ideology of the “communal freedom democracy“ and the “surviving capitalism” of Ringmar (2005). A considerable agreement is present between characteristics of the “communal freedom democracy” and the“ surviving capitalism”. The scientific relationship among self, society and nation is presented in this study.
机译:在哲学,社会学和经济学中,人,社会和国家之间的科学关系仍然不清楚,因为缺乏具体的历史人类数据可以证实这一点。人类经历了许多相互冲突的经济和政治体系以及无数次战争。另外,在社会和国家中存在着主要的不同宗教。因此,哲学家,社会学家和经济学家纷纷进行研究以研究自我,社会和国家之间的科学关系。作者(Chung,2009; 2012b)提出了关于自我,心理和身体科学的理论。此外,他基于其理论观点提出了理想的意识形态:“社区自由民主”。在这项研究中,他比较了Ringmar(2005)的“公共自由民主”和“幸存的资本主义”的意识形态。在“社区自由民主”和“幸存的资本主义”的特征之间存在着相当大的共识。这项研究提出了自我,社会和国家之间的科学关系。



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