首页> 外文期刊>Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatria >Sobrediagnóstico de trastornos mentales y criterios diagnósticos del DSM: la perspectiva de Jerome Wakefieldx

Sobrediagnóstico de trastornos mentales y criterios diagnósticos del DSM: la perspectiva de Jerome Wakefieldx

机译:精神障碍的过度诊断和DSM诊断标准:Jerome Wakefieldx的观点



Overdiagnosis of mental disorders is an increasing concern, which was accentuated after the publication of the DSM-V. Jerome Wakefield is a renowned critic of the psycopathologization that, however, has developed an intense work to try to better delimit what a mental disorder is without rejecting this concept. A structured review of the work of this author was carried out. His main approaches are summarized and an assessment of his contribution to the discussion in regards of this issue is performed.
机译:对精神障碍的过度诊断越来越引起人们的关注,在DSM-V发布后,这一问题就更加突出。杰罗姆·韦克菲尔德(Jerome Wakefield)是心理学病理学家的著名批评家,然而,他已经开展了艰巨的工作,试图更好地界定精神障碍是什么,而又不拒绝这个概念。对该作者的工作进行了结构化审查。总结了他的主要方法,并对他对该问题的讨论做出了评估。



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