首页> 外文期刊>Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases >Schistosomiasis and water-related practices in school girls in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Schistosomiasis and water-related practices in school girls in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa




There is increasing evidence of an association between female genital Schistosoma haematobium infection and HIV. In KwaZulu-Natal, we aimedto explore girls’ water contact practice and to determine whether a study exclusively on girls would be manageable and welcomed. Three primaryschools that had participated in a parasite control programme eight years prior were approached. Subject to consent, girls aged 9 to 12 years wereinterviewed on water-body contact, symptoms and household composition. Urine samples were analysed for S. haematobium infection eggs. Gooddialogue was achieved in all schools and 95% consented to participation; 43% had an S. haematobium infection, geometric mean intensity 10.5 ovaper 10 ml urine. Only 12% had ever been treated for S. haematobium. Water-body contact was significantly associated with S. haematobium (OR 2.8,95% CI 1.3-5.9, p= 0.008); however, S. haematobium was also found in 20% of girls who claimed to never have had water-body contact. Sixty-fourpercent thought they had no choice but to use unprotected water; 21% had no mother in the household, and being an orphan increased the risk ofhaving S. haematobium. The community welcomed the study. Prevalence levels in South Africa are so high that some communities are eligible forWHO-recommended regular mass treatment.
机译:越来越多的证据表明女性生殖器血吸虫血友病感染与HIV相关。在夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省(KwaZulu-Natal),我们旨在探索女孩与水的接触行为,并确定是否专门针对女孩的研究是否可以管理和受到欢迎。与八年前参加过寄生虫控制计划的三所小学进行了接触。在征得同意后,对9至12岁的女孩进行了水体接触,症状和家庭构成方面的访谈。分析尿液样品中的链球菌感染卵。所有学校都实现了良好的对话,并且有95%同意参加。 43%患有链球菌感染,每毫升10 ml尿液的几何平均强度为10.5 ovava。仅有12%的人接受过血生链球菌的治疗。水体接触与血红球菌显着相关(OR 2.8.95%CI 1.3-5.9,p = 0.008);但是,在声称从未与水体接触过的女孩中,也有20%的女孩发现了沙门氏菌。 64%的人认为他们别无选择,只能使用未经保护的水。 21%的家庭没有母亲,成为孤儿会增加患链球菌的风险。社区欢迎这项研究。南非的患病率如此之高,以至于一些社区有资格接受世界卫生组织推荐的常规大规模治疗。



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