首页> 外文期刊>South African medical journal = >Demographic profile of severe traumatic brain injury admissions to Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, 2006 - 2011

Demographic profile of severe traumatic brain injury admissions to Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, 2006 - 2011




BACKGROUND: Paediatric traumatic brain injury (PTBI) is a major public health problem. However, recent epidemiological data for PTBI in South Africa (SA) are lacking. OBJECTIVES: To establish a demographic profile of severe PTBI admissions to the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital (RCWMCH) over a 5-year period, by investigating trends in annual admissions, age, sex, language, time and day of injury, and aetiology. METHODS: This retrospective, descriptive, quantitative study included children admitted to the RCWMCH with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) between June 2006 and April 2011, who required intracranial monitoring. We used the Division of Paediatric Neurosurgery's TBI database to identify cases for inclusion in the study and to gather demographic and injury information. RESULTS: Descriptive statistics suggested that: (i) the number of annual admissions did not vary substantially across the study period; (ii) the peak admission age was 6 years; (iii) more boys than girls were admitted; (iv) the major mechanism of injury was pedestrian road traffic accidents; and (v) most injuries occurred on weekends. These results are discussed against the backdrop of international research on PTBI and reflect the extent to which epidemiological findings on TBI in high-income countries compare with those from low- and middle-income countries such as SA. CONCLUSION: The identification of aetiological factors and the description of demographic profiles of children sustaining TBI constitutes a basis for preventative policy administration and intervention strategies in SA.
机译:背景:小儿外伤性脑损伤(PTBI)是主要的公共卫生问题。但是,缺乏南非(SA)PTBI的最新流行病学数据。目的:通过调查每年入院,年龄,性别,语言,受伤时间和天数以及病因的趋势,来确定5年内红十字战争纪念儿童医院(RCWMCH)严重PTBI入院的人口统计资料。方法:这项回顾性,描述性,定量研究包括2006年6月至2011年4月间接受RCWMCH严重颅脑损伤(TBI)治疗的儿童,这些儿童需要进行颅内监测。我们使用了小儿神经外科分部的TBI数据库来确定要纳入研究的病例,并收集人口统计学和伤害信息。结果:描述性统计表明:(i)在整个研究期间,每年的入学人数没有太大变化; (ii)最高入学年龄为6岁; (iii)男生比女生多; (iv)伤害的主要机制是行人道路交通事故; (v)大多数伤害发生在周末。在国际上对PTBI进行研究的背景下讨论了这些结果,并反映了高收入国家TBI的流行病学调查结果与SA等低收入和中等收入国家的流行病学调查结果相比较的程度。结论:病因的识别和维持TBI儿童的人口统计学特征的描述是SA预防性政策管理和干预策略的基础。



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