首页> 外文期刊>South African medical journal = >Toxicovigilance I: A survey of acute poisonings in South Africa based on tygerberg poison information centre data

Toxicovigilance I: A survey of acute poisonings in South Africa based on tygerberg poison information centre data




BACKGROUND: The incidence and spectrum of acute poisonings in South Africa are unknown. Poisoning data can be derived from sources such as hospital admission records and poison information centre (PIC) records. OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to examine the extent of the problem and to identify trends and toxicovigilance issues using PIC data. METHODS: A survey was conducted based on Tygerberg Poison Information Centre (TPIC) consultations over 1 year. TPIC consultation forms were analysed for patient demographics and causes of poisoning. RESULTS: The TPIC dealt with 4 771 consultations related to human exposures to poisonous substances. The study showed that accidental exposure was more common than intentional poisoning (65.2% v. 34.8%); that 55.8% of cases were adults, of which 57.6% were females; and that 61.4% of adult cases were intentional exposures, and of these 64.3% were females. There was a predominance of accidental exposures (98.8%) and a male predominance (59.7%) in children. Categories of poisoning exposures across all age groups were non-drug chemicals (52.7%), medicines (35.2%) and biological toxins (12.6%). Pesticides (34.8%), irritant/corrosive substances (27.7%) and volatile hydrocarbons (8.3%) were the most common classes of non-drug chemical exposures. Cholinesterase inhibitors (8.8%), anticoagulant rodenticides (7.1%) and pyrethroids (5.0%) were the most commonly ingested non-drug chemicals. Aldicarb and amitraz poisoning were identified as toxicovigilance targets. Analgesics (26.1%) were the most common class of medicine-related exposure, and paracetamol (15.8%), benzodiazepines (9.2%) and antihistamines (5.2%) were the most common medicine-related exposures. CONCLUSION: The study provided information on evolving trends and identified toxicovigilance targets and the need for continuing toxicology education programmes.
机译:背景:南非急性中毒的发病率和范围尚不清楚。中毒数据可以从诸如住院记录和中毒信息中心(PIC)记录之类的来源中获取。目的:进行这项研究是为了检查问题的严重程度,并使用PIC数据确定趋势和毒物警戒问题。方法:根据泰格堡毒物信息中心(TPIC)进行的为期一年的咨询,进行了一项调查。分析了TPIC咨询表,以了解患者的人口统计资料和中毒原因。结果:TPIC处理了与人类接触有毒物质有关的4 771次咨询。研究表明,意外接触比故意中毒更为普遍(65.2%vs. 34.8%)。成人占55.8%,女性占57.6%;成年人中有61.4%是故意暴露,其中64.3%是女性。在儿童中,意外暴露占多数(98.8%),而男性占多数(59.7%)。所有年龄段的中毒暴露类别分别为非药物化学品(52.7%),药物(35.2%)和生物毒素(12.6%)。农药(34.8%),刺激性/腐蚀性物质(27.7%)和挥发性碳氢化合物(8.3%)是最常见的非药物化学暴露类别。胆碱酯酶抑制剂(8.8%),抗凝灭鼠剂(7.1%)和拟除虫菊酯(5.0%)是最常摄入的非药物化学品。涕灭威和阿米特拉斯中毒被确定为毒警目标。镇痛药(26.1%)是最常见的药物相关暴露,而扑热息痛(15.8%),苯二氮卓(9.2%)和抗组胺药(5.2%)是最常见的药物相关暴露。结论:该研究提供了有关发展趋势的信息,确定了毒物警戒目标以及继续进行毒理学教育计划的必要性。



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