首页> 外文期刊>Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research >Development of a remote sensing-based rice yield forecasting model

Development of a remote sensing-based rice yield forecasting model




This study aimed to develop a remote sensing-based method for forecasting rice yield by considering vegetation greenness conditions during initial and peak greenness stages of the crop; and implemented for “ boro” rice in Bangladeshi context. In this research, we used Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived two 16-day composite of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) images at 250 m spatial resolution acquired during the initial (January 1 to January 16) and peak greenness (March 23/24 to April 6/7 depending on leap year) stages in conjunction with secondary datasets ( i.e ., boro suitability map, and ground-based information) during 2007-2012 period. The method consisted of two components: (i) developing a model for delineating area under rice cultivation before harvesting; and (ii) forecasting rice yield as a function of NDVI. Our results demonstrated strong agreements between the model ( i.e ., MODIS-based) and ground-based area estimates during 2010-2012 period, i.e ., coefficient of determination ( R 2 ); root mean square error (RMSE); and relative error (RE) in between 0.93 to 0.95; 30,519 to 37,451 ha; and ±10% respectively at the 23 district-levels. We also found good agreements between forecasted ( i.e ., MODIS-based) and ground-based yields during 2010-2012 period ( R 2 between 0.76 and 0.86; RMSE between 0.21 and 0.29 Mton/ha, and RE between -5.45% and 6.65%) at the 23 district-levels. We believe that our developments of forecasting the boro rice yield would be useful for the decision makers in addressing food security in Bangladesh.
机译:这项研究旨在开发一种基于遥感的方法,通过考虑作物初始和峰值绿色阶段的植被绿色状况来预测水稻产量;并在孟加拉国背景下实施了“硼”大米的实施。在这项研究中,我们使用中等分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)在初始(1月1日至1月16日)和峰值绿色度(3月)期间获得的250 m空间分辨率的两个标准化植被指数(NDVI)图像的16天合成图像23-24到4月6/7(取决于leap年)阶段,以及2007-2012年期间的次要数据集(如boro适宜性图和地面信息)。该方法包括两个部分:(i)建立一个模型,在收获前勾勒出水稻种植区; (ii)预测稻米产量与NDVI的关系。我们的结果表明,在2010-2012年期间,该模型(即基于MODIS的模型)与基于地面的区域估算值之间具有很强的一致性,即确定系数(R 2);均方根误差(RMSE);相对误差(RE)在0.93至0.95之间; 30,519至37,451公顷;和在23个地区级别上分别为±10%。我们还发现2010-2012年期间的预测产量(即基于MODIS的产量)与基于地面的产量之间达成了很好的协议(R 2在0.76至0.86之间; RMSE在0.21至0.29吨/公顷之间,RE在-5.45%至6.65之间%)在23个地区级别。我们认为,预测硼米收成的发展将对决策者解决孟加拉国的粮食安全很有用。



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