首页> 外文期刊>South African Computer Journal >User-centered applications: Use of mobile information technologies to promote sustainable school healthcare services

User-centered applications: Use of mobile information technologies to promote sustainable school healthcare services




The youth, especially school going children, are the future of any society. It is therefore important that children should receive adequate healthcare support at an early age in order to strive to preserve and ensure better education and welfare of the children and continuity in societal success. Despite the strategic initiatives that aim at improving the general health of school going children, such as South Africa’s Integrated School Health Policy, there still exist challenges in support programmes meant to alleviate the barriers to effective healthcare towards improved education for the school children. Advances in ICT enable a fundamental redesign of healthcare processes based on the use and integration of electronic communication at all levels. New communication technologies can support a transition from institution centric to user-centric applications. This paper defines key principles and challenges for designers, policy makers, and evaluators of user-centred technologies for healthcare in schools. The paper employs the User Experience Management Model (UXM 2 ) to review the current and emerging trends, and highlights challenges related to the design of a typical m-ICT application that supports delivery of healthcare in schools. The paper reaches conclusions for next steps that will advance the domain.
机译:青年,尤其是上学的孩子,是任何社会的未来。因此,重要的是儿童应在早期获得足够的医疗保健支持,以努力保持并确保儿童的更好的教育和福利以及社会成功的连续性。尽管采取了旨在改善学龄儿童总体健康的战略举措,例如南非的《综合学校健康政策》,但支持计划仍然存在挑战,这些计划旨在减轻有效医疗保健对改善学龄儿童教育的障碍。信息通信技术的进步使人们能够基于在各级使用和集成电子通信的基础上,对医疗保健流程进行根本性的重新设计。新的通信技术可以支持从以机构为中心的应用程序到以用户为中心的应用程序的过渡。本白皮书为学校医疗保健的设计者,政策制定者和以用户为中心的技术评估人员定义了关键原则和挑战。本文采用了用户体验管理模型(UXM 2)来回顾当前和新兴趋势,并重点介绍与支持学校医疗保健的典型m-ICT应用程序设计相关的挑战。本文得出了将推动该领域发展的后续步骤的结论。



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