首页> 外文期刊>Sociobiology >Food Preferences of Workers of Coptotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)

Food Preferences of Workers of Coptotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)




Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki is an amphibious termite which severely damages wood components of housing construction, stored cellulose materials, living trees, and communication facilities. The food preference of this termite was investigated in laboratory conditions. Our research results indicated that among 8 kinds of woods (teak Tectona grandis, Chinese fir Cunninghamia lanceolata, oak Quercus mongolica, taxis Melia azedarach, birch Betula allegansis, beech Fagus syliatica, pine Pinus massoniana, and poplar Populus tremula), the consumption rate of pine wood by C. formosanus (30.46%) is higher than that of seven other species of wood. After pine was treated by eight different methods, the pine wood treated repeatedly (three times) by the method of dipping 24 hours in water and drying in the sun (SD method) was significantly preferred by C. formosanus. When adding 30% sugar into water for treatment of pine wood blocks in the SD method, the pine wood blocks attracted more termites to feed compared to other concentrations of sugar in water. Moreover, Adding 10% Formosan subterranean termite nest material into 30% sugar solution increased the preference to the treated pine wood blocks by C. formosanus. This information shows that C. formosanus likes to feed on pine wood blocks treated repeatedly by the method of dipping in mixed solutions of Formosan subterranean termite nest material and 30% sugar for 24 hours and drying in the sun.
机译:白蚁白蚁(Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki)是一种两栖性白蚁,会严重破坏房屋建筑,储存的纤维素材料,活树和通讯设施中的木材。在实验室条件下研究了该白蚁的食物偏好。我们的研究结果表明,在8种木材中(柚木铁皮柚,杉木杉木,蒙古栎栎,出租车Mel柳,桦木Betula allegansis,山毛榉Fagus syliatica,松木马尾松和杨木Popemula的消费率) C. formosanus(30.46%)的松木高于其他七个树种的松木。在用八种不同的方法处理松木后,通过在水中浸泡24小时并在阳光下干燥(SD方法)的方法反复(三次)处理松木,是台湾白C的首选。当采用SD方法将30%的糖添加到水中以处理松木块时,与水中其他浓度的糖相比,松木块吸引了更多的白蚁进食。此外,在30%的糖溶液中添加10%的台湾白蚁地下白蚁巢状材料,会增加台湾白C对处理过的松木块的偏好。该信息表明,C。formosanus喜欢以经过反复处理的松木块为食,方法是将其浸入Formosan地下白蚁巢材料和30%糖的混合溶液中24小时,然后在阳光下干燥。



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