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‘As Nobody I was Sovereign’: Reading Derrida Reading Blanchot




In Session 7 (26 February 2003) of The Beast and the Sovereign, Volume II, Jacques Derrida engages again with Maurice Blanchot, two days after the latter’s cremation. This intervention also appears as a post-face to Derrida’s 2003 edition of Parages, his collection of essays devoted to the work of Blanchot. In this article, I examine Derrida’s affinity to the work of Blanchot, as the one whose work ‘stood watch over and around what matters to me, for a long time behind me and forever still before me’ [The Beast and the Sovereign, Volume II, p. 176]. In doing so I look at the manner in which Derrida engaged with Blanchot in his work and how in examining this engagement another reading of sovereignty emerges, one which is not tethered to liberal models of sovereign will but one which eludes biopolitical ordering and may be seen as a form of disappearance. Through a reading of Derrida’s readings of Blanchot’s The Madness of the Day I emphasize the link of this alternative sovereignty to both writing and literature in order to demonstrate how a more radical thinking of sovereignty can be discovered in Derrida’s thought.
机译:在《野兽与君主》第二期第7节(2003年2月26日)中,雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida)在火葬的两天后再次与莫里斯·布兰科特(Maurice Blanchot)进行了接触。这种干预也作为德里达2003年版的Parages(他的专为Blanchot撰写的论文集)的后记出现。在本文中,我考察了德里达对布朗霍特作品的亲和力,因为他的作品“长期监视着我周围的事情,对我来说很长一段时间,直到我之前永远” [兽与君主,第1卷第二页176]。在这样做的过程中,我观察了德里达与布朗霍特合作的方式,以及在考察这种参与方式时如何产生另一种主权的解读,这种解读并非束缚于主权意志的自由模式,而是一种躲避生物政治秩序的现象,也许可以看到作为失踪的一种形式。通过阅读德里达的著作《勃朗日的疯狂》,我强调了这种替代性主权与写作和文学之间的联系,以展示如何在德里达的思想中发现更为激进的主权思想。



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