首页> 外文期刊>Silva Fennica >Spatial tree community structure in three stands across a forest succession gradient in northern boreal Fennoscandia.

Spatial tree community structure in three stands across a forest succession gradient in northern boreal Fennoscandia.




Development of species composition during succession is well studied in natural boreal forests, but empirical assessments of how within-stand spatial structure develops in late-successional stages are few. Here, we quantified spatial patterns in three unmanaged stands consisting of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Betula pubescens Ehrh. and Betula pendula Roth (hereafter Betula spp.) in northern boreal Fennoscandia. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of small-scale spatial point patterns in three fully mapped 1.2-ha sample plots, representing different forest developmental stages: mid-successional, late-successional and old-growth forest. We used several variants of Ripley’s K-function to analyze the spatial point patterns along the successional gradient. Univariate analyses showed that mature trees of both species were either randomly distributed or clumped. P. abies saplings were clumped, and Betula spp. saplings occurred in a random or clumped manner. In the bivariate analyses, saplings were more likely to be found in the surroundings of mature trees of the same species, but occurred independent of the individuals of other tree species. Mature trees showed interspecific repulsion. Only modest differences occurred in the univariate patterns between the three successional stages, but in the bivariate analyses the most evident patterns, i.e. intraspecific attraction and interspecific repulsion, were stronger in the older successional stages. Overall, the studied stands appear structured as species-specific mosaics. These mosaics, along with mixed species composition, seem to be maintained by species self-replacement, which contrasts with findings from earlier studies.
机译:在天然的北方森林中,对演替过程中物种组成的发展进行了很好的研究,但是,对演习后期后期林分内空间结构如何发展的经验评估很少。在这里,我们量化了由云杉云杉(Pitea abies(L.)Karst)组成的三个不受管理的林分中的空间格局。和毛桦(Betula pubescens Ehrh)。和北部北方的芬诺斯坎迪亚的Betula pendula Roth(以下简称Betula spp。)。我们在三个完全绘制的1.2公顷的样地中进行了小规模空间点模式的综合分析,这些样地代表了不同的森林发育阶段:中高级森林,后高级森林和旧森林。我们使用了Ripley K函数的几种变体来分析沿连续梯度的空间点模式。单变量分析表明,两种树的成熟树都是随机分布的或成簇的。 P. abies小树苗结成团,Betula spp。幼树以随机或成团的方式发生。在双变量分析中,幼树更有可能在同一物种的成熟树的周围发现,但独立于其他树种的个体而发生。成熟的树木表现出种间排斥。在三个演替阶段之间,单变量模式仅出现了适度的差异,但在双变量分析中,最明显的模式(即种内吸引和种间排斥)在较旧的继发阶段更强。总体而言,所研究的林分看起来像是特定物种的镶嵌结构。这些镶嵌以及混合的物种组成似乎是由物种自我替换所维持的,这与早期研究的发现形成了鲜明对比。



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