首页> 外文期刊>Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences >Does Injection of Lidocaine with 1/100000 Epinephrine Immediately before Lateral Osteotomy Reduce Post-Operative Periorbital Edema and Ecchymosis in Rhinoplasty?

Does Injection of Lidocaine with 1/100000 Epinephrine Immediately before Lateral Osteotomy Reduce Post-Operative Periorbital Edema and Ecchymosis in Rhinoplasty?




Background: Postoperative periorbital edema and ecchymosis are common after rhinoplasty. We studied the effect of local injection of Lidocaine/Adrenaline immediately before osteotomy on prevention of post-operative periorbital edema and ecchymosis in rhinoplasty. M aterials and Methods: Thirty healthy candidates for rhinoplasty were enrolled in the self-controlled clinical trial study. Lidocaine/Adrenaline solution injected randomly to one side just prior to the lateral osteotomy. The opposite side used as a control. The degree of edema/ecchymosis on both sides was compared on the 1st, 2nd and 7th day postoperatively. R es ults: Mean of severity of edema, 24 hours after operation was 3in both sides, (Mann-whitney U; p=0.829). Mean of severity of edema, 48 hours after operation was 2 in both sides (Mann-whitney U; p=0.867) and it was 1 in both sides 7 days after operation (Mann-whitney U; p=0.756).There was no significant difference between two sides. Mean of severity of ecchymosis, 24 hours after operation was 3 in both sides (Mann-whitney U; p=0.692). Mean of severity of ecchymosis, 48 hours after operation was 2 in both sides (Mann-whitney U; p=0.655) and it was 1 in both sides 7 days after operation (Mann-whitney U; p=0.873). There was no significant difference between two sides. C onclusion: local injection of Lidocaine/Adrenaline solution immediately before lateral osteotomy could not reduce postoperative edema and ecchymosis in rhinoplasty.
机译:背景:隆鼻术后术后眶周水肿和瘀斑很常见。我们研究了在截骨术前立即局部注射利多卡因/肾上腺素对鼻成形术预防术后眶周水肿和瘀斑的作用。材料与方法:三十名健康的鼻成形术候选人参加了自控临床试验研究。利多卡因/肾上腺素溶液在侧面截骨术之前随机注射到一侧。另一侧用作对照。在术后第1、2和7天比较两侧的水肿/瘀斑程度。结果:术后24小时水肿严重程度的平均值在两侧均为3(Mann-whitney U; p = 0.829)。术后48小时水肿严重程度的平均值在两侧为2(Mann-whitney U; p = 0.867),在术后7天在两侧为1(Mann-whitney U; p = 0.756)。双方之间的显着差异。术后24小时内,瘀斑的严重程度的平均值为两侧均为3(Mann-whitney U; p = 0.692)。术后48小时,瘀斑严重程度的平均值在两侧均为2(Mann-whitney U; p = 0.655),在术后7天为两侧均为1(Mann-whitney U; p = 0.873)。双方之间没有显着差异。纳入:在侧面截骨术前立即局部注射利多卡因/肾上腺素溶液不能减少鼻整形术中的术后水肿和瘀斑。



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