首页> 外文期刊>Science China Life Sciences >Comparison of alternative extraction methods for secretome profiling in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells

Comparison of alternative extraction methods for secretome profiling in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells




Secreted proteins are important sources for early detection and diagnosis of disease, and as such have received considerable attention. The extraction of low concentration proteins from large volumes of culture media, which are rich in salts and other compounds that interfere with most proteomics techniques, presents a problem for secretome studies. Ultrafiltration, precipitation, and dialysis are three major extraction methods that can be used to overcome this problem. The present study for the first time, compared the merits and shortcomings of these three methods, without bias. Centrifugal ultrafiltration provided the best extraction efficiency, and precipitation provided the highest number of identifiable proteins. The three methods yielded closely related, but different, information on the secretome; thus, they should be considered complementary or, at least, supplementary methods. Three hundred and sixty unique proteins were identified, including 211 potential secreted proteins. Compared with previous studies, this study also identified 42 new secreted proteins. The present study not only offers a reference for the selection of secretome extraction methods, but also expands the secretome database for the investigation of hepatocellular carcinoma.



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