首页> 外文期刊>ournal of the Meteorological Society of Japan >Rainfall Distribution and Monsoon Circulation over Tropical Africa in the 1979 Northern Summer: Their Comparison between East and West Africa

Rainfall Distribution and Monsoon Circulation over Tropical Africa in the 1979 Northern Summer: Their Comparison between East and West Africa




This paper investigates the African monsoon circulations which determine main rainfall areas in the 1979 northern summer, and focuses on the different causes of rain between East and West Africa, by using the FGGE level II-c precipitation and snow data set and the FGGE level III-b data set.When the rainbelt reaches its most northerly position over tropical Africa, the main rainfall areas exist within the surface southwesterlies. In the zone of 7°-17°N, the non-rainfall area appears between Lake Chad and Mt. Marra even in the wet air mass (i.e., equatorial westerlies). The main rainbelt is divided by this non-rainfall area into the rainfall areas in West Africa and west of the Ethio- pian Plateau.The main rainbelt in West Africa roughly corresponds to the mid-tropospheric easterly jet. The two maximum axes of the 850mb υ power spectra in the 3.1-4.4 day period are found along approx. 8°N and 20°N. West of 5°E, the main rainbelt exists between them, while east of it, the southern axis is obscure and the main rainbelt is concentrated along approx. 13°N, about 5 degrees south of the northern axis. This axis disappears between Lake Chad and Mt. Marra where the non-rainfall area appears.The main rainfall area west of the Ethiopian Plateau corresponds to the thickest zone of equatorial westerlies. The 850mb υ power spectra in the 3.1-4.4 day period is unclear in East Africa. Orographic disturbances in the equatorial westerlies are therefore responsible for the rain. In the zone of 2°-7°N, the main rainfall area south of the mountains in Cameroun corresponds to the southern one of the two thicker equatorial westerlies in their latitudinal profile.
机译:本文使用FGGE II-c级降水和降雪数据集以及FGGE III级,调查了确定1979年北部夏季主要降雨区域的非洲季风环流,并着眼于东非和西非之间的不同降雨原因。 -b数据集。当雨带到达热带非洲最北端的位置时,主要的降雨区就位于西南地表内。在7°-17°N的区域中,乍得湖和山之间出现了非降雨区域。甚至在潮湿的空气中(也就是赤道西风)都会出现Marra。主要雨带被该非降雨区划分为西非和埃塞俄比亚高原以西的雨量区。西非的主要雨带大致对应于对流层中东风。在大约3.1-4.4天的时间内可以找到850mbυ功率谱的两个最大轴。 8°N和20°N。在5°E以西,主雨带位于它们之间,而在其东边,南轴是模糊的,并且主雨带沿大约2度集中。北纬13度,大约北纬5度。此轴在乍得湖和山之间消失。非降雨区出现的马拉。埃塞俄比亚高原以西的主要降雨区对应于赤道西风最厚的区域。在东非,尚不清楚3.1-4.4天期间的850mbυ功率谱。因此,赤道西风的地形干扰是造成降雨的原因。在2°-7°N区域,喀麦隆山脉南部的主要降雨区在纬向分布上对应于两个较厚的赤道西风的南部之一。



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