首页> 外文期刊>ournal of the Meteorological Society of Japan >Validation of Himawari-8/AHI Radiometric Calibration Based on Two Years of In-Orbit Data

Validation of Himawari-8/AHI Radiometric Calibration Based on Two Years of In-Orbit Data

机译:基于两年在轨数据的Himawari-8 / AHI辐射定标的验证



?The new geostationary (GEO) meteorological satellite of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Himawari-8, entered operation on 7 July 2015. Himawari-8 features the new 16-band Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI), whose spatial resolution and observation frequency are improved over those of its predecessor MTSAT-series satellites. These improvements will bring about unprecedented levels of performance in nowcasting services and short-range weather forecasting systems. In view of the essential nature of navigation and radiometric calibration in fully leveraging the imager's potential, this study reports on the current status of calibration for the AHI. Image navigation is accurate to within 1 km, and band-to-band coregistration has also been validated. Infrared (IR) band calibration is accurate to within 0.2 K with no significant diurnal variation and is being validated using an approach developed under the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) framework. Validation approaches are currently being tested for the visible and near-IR (NIR) bands. Two such approaches were compared and found to produce largely consistent results.
机译:?日本气象厅(JMA)的新型地球静止(GEO)气象卫星,Himawari-8于2015年7月7日投入运行。Himawari-8具有新型16波段高级Himawari成像仪(AHI),其空间分辨率和观测频率比以前的MTSAT系列卫星有所提高。这些改进将为临近预报服务和短期天气预报系统带来前所未有的性能水平。考虑到导航和辐射校准在充分利用成像器潜力方面的本质,本研究报告了AHI的校准现状。图像导航的精确度在1公里以内,并且波段间的配准性也得到了验证。红外(IR)波段校准精确到0.2 K以内,没有明显的昼夜变化,并且正在使用基于全球空基校准系统(GSICS)框架开发的方法进行验证。目前正在测试可见光和近红外(NIR)波段的验证方法。比较了两种这样的方法,发现产生了基本一致的结果。



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