首页> 外文期刊>ournal of the Meteorological Society of Japan >Multi-model Projection of Global Warming Impact on Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency over the Western North Pacific

Multi-model Projection of Global Warming Impact on Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency over the Western North Pacific




This study examines the global warming impact on tropical cyclone (TC) genesis frequency over the western North Pacific basin (0°-40°N, 100°E-180°; WNP) projected by five atmosphere-ocean coupled general circulation models that participate in the World Climate Research Programme's Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3 (CMIP3), and exhibit high performances in simulating horizontal distribution of annual-mean frequency under the current climate condition. TC-like disturbances are detected and counted in simulations for the 20th-century climate experiment and global warming experiments.It is revealed that all of the five models project an increasing trend of the frequency in the eastern part of the analysis domain, especially over the central North Pacific (5°-20°N, 150°E-180°; CNP), and a decreasing trend in the western part, with a maximum decrease over the South China Sea (10°-25°N, 110°-120°E; SCS). The former increasing trend can be interpreted by analogy with interannual variability related to El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO). This is because projected changes of sea surface temperature and large-scale circulation field exhibit an El Niño-like pattern, and on the other hand, more TCs are observed in the CNP during the El Niño phases. Relative vorticity in the lower troposphere and vertical wind shear would become more favorable for TC genesis, as in El Niño situation. The authors conclude that these two dynamic factors are major contributors to the projected increase of the frequency in the CNP. Over the SCS, projected environmental conditions are diagnosed as more favorable for TC genesis than the current ones, in spite of the decrease projection of the frequency. The authors discuss that the projected decrease may be associated with a projected weakening of the activity of tropical depression-type disturbance that can later be developed into TC.
机译:这项研究调查了由五个大气-海洋耦合的一般环流模型预测的对北太平洋西部盆地(0°-40°N,100°E-180°; WNP)对热带气旋(TC)发生频率的全球变暖影响。在世界气候研究计划的耦合模型比对项目第3阶段(CMIP3)中,该模型在模拟当前气候条件下年平均频率的水平分布方面表现出很高的性能。在20世纪气候实验和全球变暖实验的模拟中检测并计数了类似TC的扰动,这表明这五个模型都预测了分析域东部频率的增加趋势,特别是在整个北太平洋中部(5°-20°N,150°E-180°; CNP),西部地区呈下降趋势,南中国海(10°-25°N,110°- 120°E; SCS)。以前的增长趋势可以用与厄尔尼诺和南方涛动(ENSO)有关的年际变化的类比来解释。这是因为预计的海面温度变化和大尺度环流场表现出类似ElNiño的模式,另一方面,在ElNiño阶段的CNP中观察到更多的TC。与厄尔尼诺现象一样,对流层下部的相对涡度和垂直风切变将更有利于TC的发生。作者得出结论,这两个动态因素是预计CNP频率增加的主要因素。在SCS上,尽管频率预测值降低,但诊断出的预计环境条件仍比当前环境更有利于TC发生。作者讨论说,预计的减少可能与热带低压型干扰活动的预计减弱有关,随后可发展为热带气旋。



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