首页> 外文期刊>Science Advances >Ultra-robust high-field magnetization plateau and supersolidity in bond-frustrated MnCr2S4

Ultra-robust high-field magnetization plateau and supersolidity in bond-frustrated MnCr2S4




Frustrated magnets provide a promising avenue for realizing exotic quantum states of matter, such as spin liquids and spin ice or complex spin molecules. Under an external magnetic field, frustrated magnets can exhibit fractional magnetization plateaus related to definite spin patterns stabilized by field-induced lattice distortions. Magnetization and ultrasound experiments in MnCr2S4 up to 60 T reveal two fascinating features: (i) an extremely robust magnetization plateau with an unusual spin structure and (ii) two intermediate phases, indicating possible realizations of supersolid phases. The magnetization plateau characterizes fully polarized chromium moments, without any contributions from manganese spins. At 40 T, the middle of the plateau, a regime evolves, where sound waves propagate almost without dissipation. The external magnetic field exactly compensates the Cr–Mn exchange field and decouples Mn and Cr sublattices. In analogy to predictions of quantum lattice-gas models, the changes of the spin order of the manganese ions at the phase boundaries of the magnetization plateau are interpreted as transitions to supersolid phases.
机译:沮丧的磁体为实现奇特的物质量子态(例如自旋液体和自旋冰或复杂的自旋分子)提供了有希望的途径。在外部磁场下,受挫的磁体可能会显示出分数磁化平稳期,与由磁场感应的晶格畸变所稳定的确定的自旋模式有关。在高达60 T的MnCr 2 S 4 中进行磁化和超声实验,发现了两个令人着迷的特征:(i)具有异常自旋结构的极其坚固的磁化平台,以及(ii)两个中间阶段,表明可能实现超固相。磁化高原表征了完全极化的铬矩,而没有锰自旋的任何贡献。在高原中部的40 T处,形成了一种状态,声波几乎没有耗散地传播。外部磁场精确地补偿了Cr-Mn交换场并使Mn和Cr亚晶格解耦。类似于量子晶格气体模型的预测,在磁化平稳期的相界处锰离子的自旋阶跃变化被解释为向超固相的转变。



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