首页> 外文期刊>Sao Paulo Medical Journal >Knowledge of newborn healthcare among pregnant women: basis for promotional and educational programs on breastfeeding

Knowledge of newborn healthcare among pregnant women: basis for promotional and educational programs on breastfeeding




CONTEXT: Promotional and educational programs relating to breastfeeding are important for reversing the decline in this practice. Most programs are centered exclusively on breastfeeding, although general knowledge about newborn healthcare may be important, especially among pregnant women. OBJECTIVE: To study pregnant women's knowledge about general healthcare of newborns, including breastfeeding aspects. TYPE OF STUDY: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Prof. Samuel Barnsley Pessoa Health School Center, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de S?o Paulo, Brazil. PARTICIPANTS: All pregnant women who were registered in the prenatal care program during six consecutive months. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Aspects of the current gestation, previous gestations and childbirths, knowledge of the general aspects of newborn healthcare and of breastfeeding practices. RESULTS: The results show that only a little over half of the pregnant women had received any information on newborn healthcare. Misinformation was clearly present regarding proper care of the umbilical stump and the nature of jaundice, and worst regarding how to treat oral thrush and jaundice, and about vaccination. In relation to breastfeeding, even though almost all the pregnant women declared their intention to breastfeed, less than half had a concrete response regarding how long to do it for. The low rates obtained in the topics dealing with the duration, nursing intervals and the attitude to be taken towards hypogalactia show unfamiliarity with the breastfeeding technique. The "weak milk" belief, the misinformation about contraceptive methods during breastfeeding and the cost of artificial formulas also have a negative impact on this practice. CONCLUSIONS: Pregnant women's knowledge of newborn healthcare is low, as much in the aspects of general care as in relation to the practice of breastfeeding. These findings must be taken into consideration in educative programs promoting breastfeeding.
机译:背景:与母乳喂养有关的促销和教育计划对于扭转这种做法的下降至关重要。大多数计划仅以母乳喂养为中心,尽管对新生儿保健的一般知识可能很重要,尤其是在孕妇中。目的:研究孕妇对新生儿的一般保健知识,包括母乳喂养方面。研究类型:横断面。地点:巴西圣保罗大学医学院塞缪尔·巴恩斯利·佩索阿健康学校中心教授。参加者:连续六个月参加产前保健计划的所有孕妇。主要测量指标:当前妊娠,先前妊娠和分娩的各个方面,对新生儿保健的一般方面和母乳喂养习惯的了解。结果:结果显示,只有略多于一半的孕妇获得了有关新生儿保健的任何信息。关于脐带残端的适当护理和黄疸的性质,显然存在错误信息,而关于如何治疗鹅口疮和黄疸以及接种疫苗的信息则最差。关于母乳喂养,尽管几乎所有孕妇都宣布打算母乳喂养,但不到一半的人对母乳喂养的时间有具体的反应。在有关持续时间,护理间隔和对乳腺发育不良的态度等主题中获得的比率较低,这表明他们对母乳喂养技术不熟悉。 “弱牛奶”的信念,母乳喂养期间避孕方法的错误信息以及人工配方奶粉的成本也对这种做法产生负面影响。结论:孕妇在新生儿保健方面的知识水平很低,在一般保健方面与在母乳喂养方面的知识一样多。这些发现必须在促进母乳喂养的教育计划中加以考虑。



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