首页> 外文期刊>SAGE Open >The Superman as Master Narrative in Wole Soyinkaa??s Season of Anomy:

The Superman as Master Narrative in Wole Soyinkaa??s Season of Anomy:

机译:沃因·索因卡(Oole Soyinka)的《失落的季节》中作为主要叙事的超人:



Wole Soyinkaa??s Season of Anomy is regarded by some as one of the masterpieces of African literature, but it presents challenges in reading, leading others, among them literary critics, to pronounce it a failure. There is therefore deep ambivalence over this novel, but it comes from the expectations with which the readers approach it. Literary works may share elements of structure, but that does not mean that they should all be read in the same way, with the same expectations. The history of criticism of African literature going back to the early 1970s has put in place a tradition in which literature is directly connected to the so-called social context as its referential and basis of intelligibility. In response, creative writing is increasingly in sync with this theory, and critics formed in this tradition expect each work to provide a window on that social context. It is taken in this article that this tradition of reading is the reason for the difficulty many have with Soyinkaa??s texts. Season of Anomy demands both close reading and application of heuristic devices from literary theory and criticism because it is indeed a literary work of art. The master narrative of the superman is applied here to motivate a literary analysis of the work. Opening up Season of Anomy in this way makes it apparent that we are dealing with a great work, deeply grounded in a tradition of art much older than the mid-20th-century theory of engagement, and not a failure of any sort.
机译:沃勒·索因卡卡的《失落的季节》被某些人视为非洲文学的杰作之一,但它给阅读带来了挑战,导致其他文学批评家(包括文学评论家)认为这是失败的。因此,这本小说有很深的矛盾性,但这源于读者对它的期望。文学作品可以共享结构元素,但这并不意味着它们应该以相同的方式,以相同的期望阅读。追溯到1970年代初的非洲文学批评史确立了一种传统,在这种传统中,文学直接与所谓的社会背景相关联,作为其可参考性和可理解性的基础。作为回应,创造性写作越来越与这一理论保持同步,以这种传统形式形成的评论家们期望每件作品都能够提供一个关于社会背景的窗口。本文认为,这种阅读传统是许多人对Soyinkaa的文本感到困难的原因。 《法学季》要求文学理论和批评都需要仔细阅读和运用启发式手段,因为它确实是一部文学作品。这里采用超人的主要叙事来激发对作品的文学分析。以这种方式开放《无知的季节》可以很明显地看出,我们正在处理一件伟大的作品,它深深植根于比20世纪中叶的订婚理论更悠久的艺术传统,而不是任何形式的失败。



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