首页> 外文期刊>Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine >Unsupervised Exercise–Induced Myositis Ossificans in the Brachialis Muscle of a Young Healthy Male: A Case Report

Unsupervised Exercise–Induced Myositis Ossificans in the Brachialis Muscle of a Young Healthy Male: A Case Report




Extraskeletal bone formations within the soft tissues can be the presentation of benign self-limited ossifying processes such as heterotopic ossification (HO)~( 24 )or malignant neoplasms such as extraskeletal osteosarcomas.~( 9 )Depending on the involved tissue, a number of synonymous terms have been established to describe these lesions. Myositis ossificans (MO)~( 2 )is the most common and refers to benign bone formation within skeletal muscles, whereas fasciitis~( 14 )and panniculitis ossificans~( 13 )refer to lesions in the fascia or the adipose tissue, respectively. The terms heterotopic ossification and myositis ossificans are often used interchangeably in the literature. The etiology of MO is variable and classified as hereditary or acquired, with the latter being the most common type.~( 26 )Hereditary MO includes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and progressive osseous heteroplasia; both very rare, autosomal dominant inherited conditions associated with debilitating progressive heterotopic ossification.~( 18 )The acquired MO is further subclassified into traumatic and nontraumatic depending on the presence of history of trauma. Although its underlying pathophysiology has not yet been clearly defined,~( 19 )traumatic MO has been largely associated with various types of musculoskeletal injury, including fractures and soft tissue trauma, as well as orthopaedic procedures (hip, knee, and shoulder arthroplasties).~( 1 , 16 , 24 )The most commonly affected site of traumatic HO is the quadriceps femoris.~( 25 )Other causes of traumatic MO include central nervous system injury~( 8 )and severe burns.~( 6 , 20 )However, there are rare cases of MO that occur in the absence of a discrete traumatic etiology.~( 10 , 17 , 29 )Despite being a benign condition, nontraumatic MO poses a significant diagnostic challenge, as its clinical presentation mimics that of sinister conditions such as osteosarcoma.~( 28 ) Here, we present a unique case of HO in the right anterior brachialis muscle of a young healthy man with no previous history of trauma or injury, who had recently started working out at the gym. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of HO secondary to recreational exercise. Informed consent was obtained from the patient. Case Report An 18-year-old right-handed male patient presented with a 6-month history of intensifying muscle soreness and a progressively growing palpable mass in the anterior distal third of the right humeral shaft. The mass had been growing within the anterior brachialis muscle, significantly limiting the range of motion of the right elbow joint. There was no history of antecedent trauma, previous surgery, or other predisposing conditions. The patient had no past medical history of note, and there was no family history of abnormal bone formation. He had recently started working out at the gym on a regular basis, without professional supervision. His workout regimen involving the biceps brachialis muscles is summarized in Table 1 . Physical examination revealed a 3 × 5–cm well-circumscribed, firm, and nontender mobile subcutaneous nodular mass. There were no associated erythema, warmth, or skin changes. The right elbow joint range of motion was significantly decreased (80°-130°), but pronation and supination were not affected. His right arm was well perfused with an intact radial pulse, and neurological examination was unremarkable. Complete full blood count, biochemical analysis (including alkaline phosphatase), coagulation screen, and urinalysis did not reveal any abnormality. TABLE 1 Summary of the Patient’s Workout Regimen Involving His Biceps Muscles No. of Exercises for Biceps Push-ups Pull-ups Barbell Curls Repetitions Until exhaustion Until exhaustion Until exhaustion Sets 3 3 3 Intervals, s 60 60 60 Speed of repetitions Quick Quick Quick Range of motion Limited in flexion and extension Limited in flexion and extension Limited in flexion and extension Frequency per week 6 sessions 6 sessions 6 sessions Plain radiographs of the right arm revealed a well-defined ovoid structure with a prominent mineralized periphery and a radiolucent center at the distal third of the humerus with intact cortex ( Figure 1 ). Figure 1. Plain radiograph showing a well-defined mass with mineralized periphery and radiolucent center at the distal third of the right humeral shaft. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed no continuity between the mass and the underlying bone. The mass had an intermediate- to low-intensity signal on T1-weighted images and a heterogeneous high-intensity signal on T2-weighted images. The bony structures of the right elbow joint were not affected. Total excision of the mass was performed with an anterior approach. Macroscopically, the mass measured 5 × 5 × 4 cm and had a gray-white appearance ( Figure 2 ). It had firm to fragile consistency with a thin bony rim in part of its periphery and contained jelly-like matrix. There was no continuity with the surroun
机译:软组织内的骨骼外骨形成可以表现为良性的自限性骨化过程,例如异位骨化(HO)〜(24)或恶性肿瘤,例如骨骼外骨肉瘤〜(9)。已经建立了同义词来描述这些病变。骨化性肌炎(MO)〜(2)是最常见的,是指骨骼肌内良性骨形成,而骨化性筋膜炎〜(14)和脂膜炎〜(13)分别是指筋膜或脂肪组织中的病变。术语异位骨化和骨化性肌炎在文献中经常互换使用。 MO的病因是可变的,分为遗传性或后天性的,后者是最常见的类型。〜(26)遗传性MO包括骨化性纤维增生和进行性骨异型增生。都非常罕见,常染色体显性遗传性疾病与使进行性异位骨化恶化有关。〜(18)根据创伤史的存在,获得性MO可进一步分为创伤性和非创伤性。尽管尚未明确其潜在的病理生理学,但(19)外伤性MO与各种类型的肌肉骨骼损伤(包括骨折和软组织创伤)以及整形外科(髋,膝和肩关节置换术)有很大关系。 〜(1,16,24)外伤性HO最常受累的部位是股四头肌。〜(25)外伤性MO的其他原因包括中枢神经系统损伤〜(8)和严重烧伤〜〜(6,20) (10,17,29),尽管是良性疾病,但非创伤性MO却构成了重大的诊断挑战,因为其临床表现模仿了诸如此类的险恶情况。 〜(28)在这里,我们介绍了一个健康年轻人的右前臂肱肌的独特病例,该年轻人以前没有受伤或受伤的病史,他最近在体育馆锻炼。就我们所知,这是继休闲运动之后的HO的首次报告。获得了患者的知情同意。病例报告一名18岁的右撇子男性患者出现了6个月的肌肉酸痛病史,并且在右肱骨干远端前三分之一处出现明显的肿块。肿块一直在肱前肌内生长,明显限制了右肘关节的运动范围。没有过往创伤,既往手术或其他诱发因素的病史。该患者没有过去的病史,也没有异常骨形成的家族史。他最近开始在没有专业监督的情况下定期在体育馆锻炼。表1总结了他的肱二头肌肌肉锻炼方案。体格检查发现有一个3×5–cm界限清楚,牢固且不嫩的可移动皮下结节性肿块。没有相关的红斑,温暖或皮肤变化。右肘关节的运动范围明显减小(80°-130°),但旋前和旋后均不受影响。完整的radial动脉向右臂灌注良好,神经系统检查无异常。全血细胞计数,生化分析(包括碱性磷酸酶),凝血筛查和尿液分析未发现任何异常。表1涉及他的二头肌肌肉锻炼方案的摘要二头肌俯卧撑的运动次数俯卧撑杠铃卷曲重复直到筋疲力尽直到筋疲力尽设置3 3 3间隔,s 60 60 60重复速度动作受限屈伸受限屈伸受限每周屈伸频率6节6节6节右臂的平片X线片显示清晰的卵形结构,其外围有明显的矿化边缘和射线可透中心。肱骨远端有完整的皮质(图1)。图1.普通X线照片显示界限清楚的肿块,其周围有矿化的边缘,并且在右侧肱骨干的远端三分之一处具有射线可透中心。磁共振成像(MRI)显示肿块与下面的骨头之间没有连续性。肿块在T1加权图像上具有中等强度到低强度的信号,在T2加权图像上具有异质的高强度信号。右肘关节的骨结构不受影响。肿块的总切除采用前路入路。宏观上,该质量为5×5×4 cm,外观为灰白色(图2)。它具有坚韧到脆弱的一致性,在其外围的一部分上有薄薄的骨质边缘,并含有果冻状的基质。代理人没有连续性



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