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The Dominant Islamic Philosophy of Knowledge




The Arab-Islamic culture is certainty-oriented, such that most Arabs and Muslims consider their beliefs to be certainties. This enabled the traditionalist philosophical school of knowledge to be dominant in the Arab-Islamic world. Both Muslim philosophers Al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyyah articulated the dominant philosophical theory of knowledge. While Al-Ghazali claimed that God creates knowledge in us, Ibn Taymiyyah held that knowledge is justified true belief or a set of beliefs presented by an infallible person, such as the prophet Muhammad. Both philosophers provided a traditionalist account of knowledge, according to which, God is the ultimate source of any genuine belief. Their conceptions of knowledge became dominant in the Arab-Islamic world because their theories of knowledge cohere with the fact that the Arab-Islamic culture is certainty-oriented. The best way to maintain that one’s beliefs are certainties, i.e . absolutely true and unchangeable, resides in holding that they are the products of God Himself. In addition, one’s theory of meaning and causation is related to one’s conception of knowledge. While Ibn Taymiyyah’s account of meaning paved the way for his endorsement of his unique theory of knowledge, Al-Ghazali’s conception of causal relationships, as being unnecessary, led him to accept the traditionalist view that God creates knowledge in us.
机译:阿拉伯伊斯兰文化是以确定性为导向的,因此大多数阿拉伯人和穆斯林认为他们的信仰是确定性的。这使传统主义哲学知识流派在阿拉伯伊斯兰世界占主导地位。穆斯林哲学家加扎里(Al-Ghazali)和伊本·塔米耶(Ibn Taymiyyah)都阐明了占主导地位的知识哲学理论。尽管加扎里声称上帝在我们里面创造知识,但伊本·塔米雅却认为知识是有道理的真实信念,或者是由先知穆罕默德等无懈可击的人提出的一套信念。两位哲学家都提供了传统主义的知识解释,根据这一观点,上帝是任何真正信仰的最终来源。他们的知识观在阿拉伯伊斯兰世界占主导地位,因为他们的知识理论与阿拉伯伊斯兰文化是以确定性为导向的事实相吻合。维持信念的最佳方法是确定性。绝对真实和不变,在于坚持认为它们是上帝自己的产物。另外,一个人的意义和因果关系理论与一个人的知识观有关。伊本·塔米雅(Ibn Taymiyyah)的意义解释为他认可自己独特的知识理论铺平了道路,而加扎里(Al-Ghazali)的因果关系概念则不必要,这使他接受了传统主义观点,即上帝在我们体内创造知识。



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