
Well-Being East and West




In this paper, I will give the concept of well-being its broadest meaning possible. First, the external conditions of well-being will be listed. In a next step I shall analyze the internal presuppositions of a good life. Then ethical principles are considered in light of the natural pursuit of happiness. Finally I shall discuss how positive psychology will have to proceed to secure well-being for people even in difficult situations. The topic will be considered from two perspectives: from that of western philosophy, relying on Aristotle, and from that of eastern thinking, relying on Confucius. In Aristotle’s theory of virtue ethics, mesotes or golden mean is the desirable middle way between two extremes, that of excess and that of deficiency. Confucius taught a way of living in the middle that he called Zhongyong. Zhong means “bent neither one way nor the other”; yong means “unchanging.”.
机译:在本文中,我将给出“幸福”这一概念的最广泛含义。首先,将列出幸福的外部条件。在下一步中,我将分析美好生活的内在前提。然后根据对幸福的自然追求来考虑道德原则。最后,我将讨论即使在困难的情况下,如何也必须采取积极的心理学来确保人们的福祉。将从两个角度来考虑这个话题:从西方哲学的角度出发,以亚里士多德为依托;从东方思想的角度,以孔子为依托。在亚里斯多德的美德伦理学理论中,中庸或中庸之道是介于两个极端之间的理想中间途径,即过剩和不足。孔子传授一种称为中庸的中间生活方式。钟的意思是“既不弯曲也不弯曲”; yong的意思是“不变”。



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