首页> 外文期刊>Open Access Library Journal >Climate Variability Adaptation Strategies: Challenges to Livestock Mobility in South-Eastern Burkina Faso

Climate Variability Adaptation Strategies: Challenges to Livestock Mobility in South-Eastern Burkina Faso




This research work aims to study the perceptions of pastoralists and agro- pastoralists on climate change impacts on mobile herding and the effectiveness of herders’ adaptive strategies within Kompienga Province, south-eastern region of Burkina Faso. In order to achieve this aim, survey data were retrieved from 271 respondents and analysed. From respondents’ perceptions, climate change is real and is negatively affecting forage availability (in quality and quantity); livestock production and reproduction performances; herders’ practices, their livelihoods and the cohabitation of herding and crop farming. To overcome the increasi ng constraints the pastoral herding is facing, sound and urgent actions need to be undertaken by Burkina Faso government. These actions include: 1) providing the grazing reserves with necessary facilities such as perennial reservoirs; 2) conducting research to improve breeds that would adapt to current climatic conditions; 3) encouraging and supporting gradual shift of herders from mobile herding to the sedentary breeding; 4) supporting and organizing forage production by farmers. At short term an effective cross-border framework could be created to seek for sound solutions to secure the mobility of herds within ECOWAS territory.
机译:这项研究工作旨在研究布基纳法索东南部的Kompienga省牧民和农牧民对气候变化对流动牧群的影响以及牧民的适应策略的有效性的看法。为了实现这一目标,从271名受访者中检索了调查数据并进行了分析。从受访者的角度来看,气候变化是真实的,并且对饲料的供应量(质量和数量)产生负面影响;畜牧生产和繁殖表演;牧民的习俗,生计以及牧民和农作物的同居生活。为了克服牧民面临的日益严峻的限制,布基纳法索政府需要采取合理而紧急的行动。这些行动包括:1)为放牧储备提供必要的设施,例如多年生水库; 2)进行研究以改良适应当前气候条件的品种; 3)鼓励和支持牧民逐渐从移动放牧转向久坐育种; 4)支持和组织农民的饲料生产。在短期内,可以建立一个有效的跨境框架,以寻求合理的解决方案,以确保西非经共体领土内牛群的流动。



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