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Pricing and reimbursement of orphan drugs: the need for more transparency




Pricing and reimbursement of orphan drugs are an issue of high priority for policy makers, legislators, health care professionals, industry leaders, academics and patients. This study aims to conduct a literature review to provide insight into the drivers of orphan drug pricing and reimbursement. Although orphan drug pricing follows the same economic logic as drug pricing in general, the monopolistic power of orphan drugs results in high prices: a) orphan drugs benefit from a period of marketing exclusivity; b) few alternative health technologies are available; c) third-party payers and patients have limited negotiating power; d) manufacturers attempt to maximise orphan drug prices within the constraints of domestic pricing and reimbursement policies; and e) substantial R&D costs need to be recouped from a small number of patients. Although these conditions apply to some orphan drugs, they do not apply to all orphan drugs. Indeed, the small number of patients treated with an orphan drug and the limited economic viability of orphan drugs can be questioned in a number of cases. Additionally, manufacturers have an incentive to game the system by artificially creating monopolistic market conditions. Given their high price for an often modest effectiveness, orphan drugs are unlikely to provide value for money. However, additional criteria are used to inform reimbursement decisions in some countries. These criteria may include: the seriousness of the disease; the availability of other therapies to treat the disease; and the cost to the patient if the medicine is not reimbursed. Therefore, the maximum cost per unit of outcome that a health care payer is willing to pay for a drug could be set higher for orphan drugs to which society attaches a high social value. There is a need for a transparent and evidence-based approach towards orphan drug pricing and reimbursement. Such an approach should be targeted at demonstrating the relative effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and economic viability of orphan drugs with a view to informing pricing and reimbursement decisions.
机译:对于决策者,立法者,医疗保健专业人员,行业领导者,学者和患者,孤儿药物的定价和报销是高度优先的问题。本研究旨在进行文献综述,以深入了解孤儿药物定价和报销的驱动因素。尽管孤儿药品定价遵循与一般药品定价相同的经济逻辑,但孤儿药品的垄断力量导致价格高昂:a)孤儿药品受益于一段时期的市场独占; b)很少有替代保健技术; c)第三方付款人和患者的谈判能力有限; d)制造商试图在国内价格和报销政策的限制下使孤儿药价格最大化; e)需要从少数患者那里收回大量的研发费用。尽管这些条件适用于某些孤儿药,但不适用于所有孤儿药。的确,在许多情况下,可以质疑使用孤儿药治疗的患者数量很少以及孤儿药的经济可行性有限。另外,制造商有动机通过人为地创造垄断的市场条件来对系统进行游戏。鉴于孤药的高昂价格(通常收效甚微),不太可能带来物有所值的效果。但是,在某些国家/地区,还使用其他标准来确定报销决策。这些标准可能包括:疾病的严重性;是否有其他治疗该疾病的疗法;以及如果不偿还药费给患者的费用。因此,对于社会具有很高社会价值的孤儿药物,可以将医疗保健付款人愿意为某种药物支付的每单位结果的最大成本设定得更高。需要对孤儿药品定价和报销采取透明且基于证据的方法。这种方法应旨在证明孤儿药的相对有效性,成本效益和经济可行性,以期为定价和报销决策提供依据。



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