首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Social Sciences >Evaluating Capacity Building to Foster Climate Change Adaptation

Evaluating Capacity Building to Foster Climate Change Adaptation




This paper describes an evaluation of a capacity-building approach for promoting locally-driven climate change adaptation through local action. Using a leadership development strategy, a US-based NGO convened teams of dedicated sustainability practitioners from 15 localities for peer learning, team-building, and access to expert resources. The evaluation strengthened the NGO’s theoretical framework and methods for understanding the capacity-building contribution of the intervention to climate change adaptation. It demonstrated the use of stakeholder data to test and refine assumptions about 1) how intended changes are expected to occur and 2) prioritizing the use of capacity-building resources. It also underscored the necessity of evaluation partnerships between the NGO and committed teams of change agents to sustain capacity-building effects while allowing data gathering over time to continuously refine the Theory of Change (ToC) and to guide local efforts to achieve climate change adaptation outcomes. The evaluation data showed that the initial ToC was not sufficiently robust to identify necessary conditions to be embedded in specific local situational contexts to increase the likelihood of success. The evaluators recommended enhancement of the ToC to consider team “readiness”, while offering a logic model framework and capacity-building process metrics for progress and outcome tracking.
机译:本文描述了对通过当地行动促进当地驱动的气候变化适应能力建设方法的评价。一家总部位于美国的非政府组织采用领导力发展战略,召集了来自15个地区的可持续发展从业人员组成的团队,以进行同伴学习,团队建设和获取专家资源。该评估加强了NGO的理论框架和方法,以了解干预措施对适应气候变化的能力建设贡献。它展示了使用利益相关者数据来测试和完善有关以下方面的假设:1)预期如何发生预期的变化; 2)优先使用能力建设资源。它还强调了非政府组织与变革推动者承诺团队之间的评估伙伴关系的必要性,以维持能力建设的效果,同时允许随着时间的推移收集数据以不断完善变革理论(ToC)并指导当地为实现气候变化适应成果而做出的努力。评估数据表明,最初的ToC不够强健,无法确定要嵌入特定本地情况下的必要条件,以增加成功的可能性。评估人员建议增强ToC,以考虑团队的“准备情况”,同时为进度和结果跟踪提供逻辑模型框架和能力建设过程指标。



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