Non-profit organizations’ policy advocacy is an important force in promoting the scientification and democratization of public policies in China. However, in the overall '/> Finding Lost Words: How Non-Profit Organizations in China Effectively Participate in Policy Advocacy? <br/>—Based on the Successful Experience of Friends of Nature
首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Social Sciences >Finding Lost Words: How Non-Profit Organizations in China Effectively Participate in Policy Advocacy?
—Based on the Successful Experience of Friends of Nature

Finding Lost Words: How Non-Profit Organizations in China Effectively Participate in Policy Advocacy?
—Based on the Successful Experience of Friends of Nature




style="text-align:justify;"> Non-profit organizations’ policy advocacy is an important force in promoting the scientification and democratization of public policies in China. However, in the overall structure of a strong government and a weak society in China, many problems exist in the process of public policy advocacy by NPOs. There is an urgent need to select typical cases to tap valuable local experiences. By combing the development history and major policy advocacy activities of Friends of Nature since its founding in 1994, this paper analyzes the effective ways for non-profit organizations to participate in policy advocacy. At the level of government, policy making should be more open and acceptable. At the level of non-profit organizations, efforts should be made to improve the political legitimacy, administrative legitimacy and internal legitimacy of non-profit organizations while enhancing the level of specialization, efficiently integrating the resources of all parties and exploring diversified ways of advocating.
机译:style =“ text-align:justify;”>非营利组织的政策倡导是促进中国公共政策科学化和民主化的重要力量。但是,在中国强大的政府和脆弱的社会的总体结构中,非营利组织在公共政策倡导过程中存在许多问题。迫切需要选择典型案例,以挖掘宝贵的当地经验。通过结合《自然之友》自1994年成立以来的发展历史和主要的政策倡导活动,分析了非营利组织参与政策倡导的有效途径。在政府一级,政策制定应更加开放和可以接受。在非营利组织层面,应努力提高非营利组织的政治合法性,行政合法性和内部合法性,同时提高专业化水平,有效整合各方资源并探索多元化的倡导方式。



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