首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Geology >Structural Study and Analytical Modeling of Mangerak Salt Diapir (South West of Firozabad Fars-Iran)

Structural Study and Analytical Modeling of Mangerak Salt Diapir (South West of Firozabad Fars-Iran)

机译:Mangerak Salt Diapir(Firozabad Fars-Iran的西南)的结构研究和分析模型



Mangerak salt diapir is in the South West of Firuz Abad in Fars province, southern Iran and structurally, it is exposed in the simple folded belt of Kohzad Zagros. This diapir, now, is located in a transtentional zone in the overlapping parts of Koreh Bas right fault zone. The origin of this diapir is evaporative series of Hormuz, at the beginning of the Cambrian and ending Precambrian age. In this paper, we investigated tectonic structures around the salt dome of Mangerak. By promoting this salt dome, a variety of structures, such as marginal reverse faults, radial normal faults, folds and caves have been developed. In addition, many changes can be seen in the status line, and the amount and direction of the strata dip, thickness of rock units, and facies change, that all showed the downbuilding phenomenon in the diapir. The method was based on structural desert surveys and relevant measurements. The results show that salt domes above were rising during the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene, and pre-deformation of Zagros and in connection with basement Fault of Korebas, and probably, when sedimentation was in the Zagros basin, they have been exposed in the form of an island. Zagros deformation at the same time, the pressure released from the collision zone on the north side of the East and its wave motion, to the South West, exerts more pressure on the salt horizons and helps them to erupt. About Mangerak salt dome, which is exposed on the side of the Sayakh anticline axis and Basement fault of Korebas, two phenomena are effective in its exposing. Analytical modeling shows the life of the outcrop 31,000 years that this age is consistent with the effects of salt dome Neotectonic.
机译:曼格拉克盐地漏位于伊朗南部法尔斯省的菲鲁兹·阿巴德(Firuz Abad)西南,从结构上讲,它暴露在简单的科扎德·扎格罗斯(Kohzad Zagros)折叠带中。现在,该地下洞位于Koreh Bas右断层带重叠部分的一个过渡带。这个成土的起源是在寒武纪开始和前寒武纪结束之前的霍尔木兹蒸发系列。在本文中,我们研究了Mangerak盐穹顶周围的构造构造。通过促进盐丘的形成,已开发出多种构造,例如边缘逆断层,径向法向断层,褶皱和溶洞。此外,在状态线中可以看到许多变化,地层倾角的数量和方向,岩石单元的厚度以及相的变化,都显示了底辟的下沉现象。该方法基于结构性沙漠调查和相关测量。结果表明,在晚白垩世-古新世,扎格罗斯前期变形以及与科雷巴斯地下室断层有关的盐丘中,盐穹隆不断上升,并且可能在扎格罗斯盆地沉积时,这些盐丘被暴露出来。一个岛屿。 Zagros形变同时发生,从东部北部碰撞区释放的压力及其波动向西南方向施加的压力在盐层上施加了更大的压力并帮助它们爆发。关于暴露于Sayakh背斜轴线一侧和Korebas地下室断层一侧的Mangerak盐丘,有两种现象对其有效。分析模型表明,露头31,000年的寿命与该盐丘新构造的作用是一致的。



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