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Simultaneous Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Hepatitis B-Hepatitis C Point-of-Care Tests Improve Outcomes in Linkage-to-Care: Results of a Randomized Control Trial in Persons Without Healthcare Coverage




Background.?In Europe and the United States, more than two thirds of individuals infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) and 15%–30% of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive individuals are unaware of their infection status. Simultaneous HIV-, HBV-, and HCV-rapid tests could help improve infection awareness and linkage-to-care in particularly vulnerable populations. Methods.?The OptiScreen III study was a single-center, randomized, control trial conducted at a free clinic (“Médecins du Monde”, Paris, France). Participants were randomized 1:1 to receive 1 of 2 interventions testing for HIV, HBV, and HCV: standard serology-based testing (S-arm) or point-of-care rapid testing (RT-arm). The main study endpoints were the proportion of participants who became aware of their HIV, HBV, and HCV status and who were linked to care when testing positive. Results.?A total of 324 individuals, representing mainly African immigrants, were included. In the S-arm, 115 of 162 (71.0%) participants performed a blood draw and 104 of 162 (64.2%) retrieved their test result. In comparison, 159 of 162 (98.2%) of participants randomized to the RT-arm obtained their results (P .001). Of the 38 (11.7%) participants testing positive (HIV, n = 7; HBV, n = 23; HCV, n = 8), 15 of 18 (83.3%) in the S-arm and 18 of 20 (90.0%) in the RT-arm were linked-to-care (P = .7). In post hoc analysis assuming the same disease prevalence in those without obtaining test results, difference in linkage-to-care was more pronounced (S-arm = 60.0% vs RT-arm = 90.0%; P = .04). Conclusions.?In a highly at-risk population for chronic viral infections, the simultaneous use of HIV, HBV, and HCV point-of-care tests clearly improves the “cascade of screening” and quite possibly linkage-to-care.
机译:背景:在欧洲和美国,超过三分之二的感染了乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)或丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的人以及15%–30%的人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)阳性的人不知道他们的感染状况。同时进行HIV,HBV和HCV快速检测可以帮助提高特别是弱势人群的感染意识以及与护理的联系。方法:OptiScreen III研究是在一个免费诊所(“Médecinsdu Monde”,法国巴黎)进行的单中心,随机对照试验。参与者以1:1的比例随机分配,以接受针对HIV,HBV和HCV的两种干预措施测试中的一种:基于标准血清学的测试(S臂)或即时护理快速测试(RT臂)。主要研究终点是知道艾滋病毒,HBV和HCV状况并在测试呈阳性时与护理相关的参与者比例。结果:总共包括324人,主要代表非洲移民。在S臂中,162名参与者中的115名(71.0%)进行了抽血,而162名参与者中有104名(64.2%)检索了他们的测试结果。相比之下,随机分配到RT臂的162名参与者中有159名(98.2%)获得了他们的结果(P <.001)。在38名(11.7%)参与者检测为阳性(HIV,n = 7; HBV,n = 23; HCV,n = 8)中,S臂中18人中的15人(83.3%)和20人中18人(90.0%) RT臂中的患者与护理相关(P = 0.7)。在事后分析中,假设在未获得测试结果的人群中患病率相同,则在护理联系上的差异更为明显(S臂= 60.0%,RT臂= 90.0%; P = .04)。结论:在患有慢性病毒感染的高风险人群中,同时使用HIV,HBV和HCV即时医疗服务显然可以改善“筛查级联”,并有可能改善与医护人员的联系。



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